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Waste Not More Years.
by Craig

Staring at the wall, so quiet and alone
nothing of interest, my heart does moan.

These are the times when I long to be
with someone special, who loves only me.

TV is so boring, books go unread
the walls close in, I feel quite dead.

I draw a bath and fix a nice meal
faking my busy, refusing to feel.

Call a few friends, but nothing to say
talk for a while, time passes away.

I finally submit to my hearts lonely cry
and a few tears fall from deep in my eye.

Am I too picky, opportunities gone by
I've held out for one, I breathe with sigh.

The hurt I have felt from loves in the past
makes it hard to try, I want one that lasts.

I search in my soul and know I can be
a loving friend for one who'll love me.

I know I've made mistakes before
I'm wiser now and care a lot more.

Don't know why it takes half a life
to understand love, to succeed with a wife.

Reaching out, looking for a new friend
I'll be more careful not to reach a dead end.

But now I'm sure, with new maturity
I can love someone deep, in perpetuity.

For now, I'll just have to swallow my tears
hope she comes soon, waste not more years.

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Thank You!! 

Franny : )

Created 2/27/2000

FDM 2001

"Distance Drums"


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