If in some small way I touch one heart in a
positive way my purpose for this website will be served.
Having children makes it our responsibility to nurture
relationships and give them a loving and secure environment
to grow up in. It isn't always easy being a parent but
raising children is something we do have a choice whether
to do or not to do. Children dont have a choice and can
only take the family life they are given. One thing is for
sure, without strong emotional ties between children and
their parents it isnt possible at a young age to develop
self worth and find peace in their tiny little hearts. No
bonding or strong attachment in a family is cruelty to
children. It leaves them in a world of loneliness. Always
on the outside looking in. It sets them up for a lifetime
of insecurity, no self esteem and emotional disorders. The
problems it creates are endless.
© 1998-2002 ebreedy@peoplescom.net