Looking for Love?



In your twenties? The following facts should make your day.

- There are 119 single men (i.e., never married, widowed or divorced) who are in their 20s for every 100 single women of the same ages. Corresponding numbers for the following race and ethnic groups are:

Hispanics: 153 men per 100 women

Asians (single race): 132 men per 100 women (This ratio is not significantly different from that for Hispanics or non-Hispanic whites.)

Non-Hispanic whites (single race): 120 men per 100 women

Blacks (single race): 92 men per 100 women (The numbers of black men and women in this age group are not significantly different from one another.)

In your golden years? Well . . . . the stats are not so good.

- There are 34 single men (i.e., never married, widowed or divorced) age 65 or older for every 100 single women of the same ages. Corresponding numbers for the following race and ethnic groups are:

Hispanics: 38 men per 100 women

Non-Hispanic whites (single race): 33 men per 100 women

Blacks (single race): 33 men per 100 women

Asians (single race): 28 men per 100 women

(Note: None of the ratios for the individual groups differ significantly from one another nor from the ratio for all people age 65 or older.) 

Need a little help finding Mr. or Mrs. Right?


- 904: The number of dating service establishments nationwide as of 2002. These establishments, which include Internet dating services, employed nearly 4,300 people and pulled in $489 million in revenues.

There are those who try to tell us that marriage, real marriage between a man and a woman, is going out of style . Not so much.

- 2.2 million marriages take place in the United States annually. That breaks down to more than 6,000 a day.

- 147,300 marriages are performed in Nevada during 2005. So many couples "tie the knot" in the Silver State that it ranked fourth nationally in marriages, even though it's total population that year among states was 35th.


 - The estimated U.S. median ages at first marriage for women and men are 25.3 and 27.1 respectively, in 2005. The age for women rose 4.2 years in the last three decades. The age for men at first marriage is up 3.6 years.

- There are 34 single men (i.e., never married, widowed or divorced) age 65 or older for every 100 single women of the same ages. Corresponding numbers for the following race and ethnic groups are:

Hispanics: 38 men per 100 women

Non-Hispanic whites (single race): 33 men per 100 women

Blacks (single race): 33 men per 100 women

Asians (single race): 28 men per 100 women

(Note: None of the ratios for the individual groups differ significantly from one another nor from the ratio for all people age 65 or older.)

- 904: The number of dating service establishments nationwide as of 2002. These establishments, which include Internet dating services, employed nearly  


- Men and women in northeastern states generally have a higher median age at first marriage than the national average. In Massachusetts, for example, women were a median of 27.4 years old and men 29.1 years of age at first marriage. States where people typically marry young include Utah, where women were a median of 21.9 years and men, 23.9 years.

- 57% and 60% of American women and men, respectively, are 15 or older and currently married (includes those who are separated).

- 72%: The percentage of men and women ages 30 to 34 in 2005 who had been married at some point in their lives - either currently or formerly



Single men and women, take heart. When you are ready, love is out there. Until then enjoy your single life. If you don't have a special someone this Valentine's day, don't let it bother you. Get a group of friends together. Go out and have a wonderful dinner with much laughing and conversation. Enjoy!!


The above is all from the U.S. Census Bureau.




Happy Valentine's Day home

A brief history of this holiday.

Flowers & Their Meanings

Do you know the language of flowers? Make sure the flowers you send make just the right statement.

Give Me Your Heart

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My Traditional Valentine

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Sweets for the Sweet

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My Funny Valentine

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Be My Valentine

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Looking for Love?

Take heart! The numbers are in your favor.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

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