Please hit refresh/reload if you have been to my site before 9 August 1999.
Hello there, my name is Dianne and I'm married to Dave, we have 2 children, Nick and Vanessa. We live in the South Island of beautiful New Zealand.
This web page started out as a site for Genealogy but I have enjoyed building these pages so much that I've added lots of other interesting bits and pieces, and one day I might even have a go at designing my own graphics. Seeing I don't have an artistic bone in my body it might be quite interesting to have a look at these graphics when I get them done so you had better come back often to see what is new, who knows you might get a good laugh:)
Below is a photo of my mum. There will be more photos added when time allows.At the bottom of this page you will see flags representing each country that my ancestors came from.
If you click on the next button at the bottom of this page it will take you to the start of my searching for ancestors page. Also on that page is a link to the family pets page, why not have a look at Black Frost, and I would love it if you could sign the guestbooks.
Don't forget to come back and visit my site from down under.:)
This is my dear old mum.(not so old in the pic)lol.
There will be more photos to come.
I have decided to feature the very latest award that I receive on my index page for 1 month. After that month is up I will move it to "My Awards" page. Please visit these award sites, they are truely wonderfull. Clea's Award will be changed on 14 September.