Dallas Reece Pridemore
Name: Dallas Reese Pridemore
Rank/Branch E6/US ARMY
Unit:: Company:D, 87th Infantry, 95th MP Battalion, 18th MP Brigade
Date of Birth: 29 April 1941 (Hamlin WV)

Home City of Record: East Liverpool  OH.

Date of  Loss: 08 September 1968
Country of Loss: South Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 105055N 106453SE (XS946989)
Status  ( in 1973 ): Prisoner of War
Category: 1
Aircraft/ Vehicle/ Ground: Ground
On September 8 1968  (just before my first Birthday)
SSGT. Pridemore was in civilian clothes visiting a Vietnamse family in Thu Duc District. in South Vietnam.....At about 2200 hours a platoon of the Thu Duc District
(Viet Cong) came to the house  during a search for a former Viet Cong who had defected to the government of Vietnam...and kidnapped Pridemore! They took him to
to a pagoda where he was turned over to a special action group and sent to an unknown location.
  The Vietnamese family reported that the Viet Cong told them
that Pridemore would be returned in a day or two. Pridemore
was never released by the Viet Cong.The US Army has more
information relating to Pridemore but it is still classified.
    When 591 Americans were released in Operation
Homecoming in1973 Dallas was not among them.
The Vietnamese deny any knowledge of him.Since that time
the US  has giveninformation to the Viet Cong related to Pridemore
in hopes that the Vietnamese would tell us what happend to him
but if any information has been forthcoming, it is classified.
Pridemore was last reported alive in a temporary screening
and interrogation center for US POW's in Svay Teap District
Svay Reing Province, Cambodia. There is no information
whitch would indecate evidence of death.
This is how you can help us bring him home.
click on the links below and send letters to
the Govt. Officials that I have provided for
you let them know that we will not forget about
the men and women who have given so much
for us .
Vice President------ vice.president@whitehouse.gov
First Lady------ first.lady@whitehouse.gov
Ohio Senators
George Vionovich-----senator_vionovich@vionovich.senate.gov
Mike DeWine----www.senate.gov/~dewine/
For More Information on Pridemore
email me-----
See what it was like in Vietnam
visit Gunny at http:
or Raptors Nest at----- http://p-o-w.com
click here to see how you can help
Source:  Compiled by Homecoming II Project,
june 30 1990 from one or more of the following:
   raw data from US Government sources,
   correspondencewith POW/MIA families
   published sources and interviews
   updated by the P.O.W Network
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