Fishing and catching Hammerhead Sharks!
July 12, 1998.

Me fighting with the first shark...see how serious I look! And Phil, always relaxed when he's fishing!

And of course, Rebel was along for the swimming part!

Not only were these the first sharks I ever caught but they were also the first Hammerheads that I've ever seen in real life! And I even caught them while WADE fishing!! Kinda scary! I also caught a really large those are scary!

This guys tail is so long that he has it wrapped around him and it's sticking way out in front of him!

Now Phil has caught tons of sharks but theses were HIS first Hammerheads too!

Fishing on the 4th of July!

Phil with his redfish catch! 7/4/98.

Phil with the flounder he caught! 7/4/98.

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