"Follow Me"
The moon shines on the river
As it flows into the bay
The quiet waters whisper
In the wind they seem to say...
"Follow me, I will lead you,
Follow me, I will take you
To an island paradise
An island made for dreamers
That knows no pain or strife...
Follow me."
Still I stand afraid to follow
To this land of no tomorrow
Though yesterday was painful
And today remained the same,
I still have a new tomorrow
For my old life to change!
The shores are gently shifting
Still the river knows the way
And to each who stop and listen
They will hear its' whisper say...
"Follow me, I will lead you,
Follow me, I will take you
To an island paradise
An island made for dreamers
That knows no pain or strife...
Follow me."
Someday all souls may follow
No longer facing sorrow
Too many yesterdays of pain
And wishing for what cannot change
Some never find tomorrow
For some tomorrows never came!
The river's dried and empty now
In the wind, the trees still sway
But as I stand alone I hear
Some gentle whisper say...
"Follow me, I will lead you,
Follow me, I will take you
To an island paradise
An island made for dreamers
That knows no pain or strife...
Follow me."
lyrics by:Gale Bush
I seem to remember in a life long since past
Forests of timber, majestic and vast
Trees dressed in foliage, showing seasons distinct...
Signs of a simpler age, I see now - extinct
When blue skies abounded above fruitful lands
And all creatures sounded as one with man
When mountainous ranges with snow covered crests
Welcomed the changes that time could not mask
Then down through the ages, in the name of 'progress'
Man altered the phases until life was oppressed
Now that this world - once so alive,
has lost its' battle with mankind
Will only God survive - where man has been so blind?
When man destroys mankind?
Gale Bush~