Welcome to my homepage

a fun place to learn, laugh, and love

Hi! My name is Garnetta. I'm a computer programmer; a GED instructor; a Sunday School teacher; a girl scout leader; Jackie's wife; Katie and Elisha's mom; Lanie's step-mom; Justin, Joseph and Jacob's mamaw; Linda, Debi, and Leonard's sister; Lura and Garnet's daughter; an acquaintance to many, a friend to several and best friend to a select few. Most importantly I am a child of God and very grateful for the wonderful life He has given me.

Links to other sites on the Web

My Family
My Sunday School Class
My Funny Pages
My GED class
My Girl Scout troop
My Book Store

***I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me***

E-mail here with comments and suggestions or to just say hello.

© 1997 garnbarn@yahoo.com

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