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My Own Backyard

Dear Lord, when things get hectic

And living seems so hard,

I just go out and sit awhile,

Within my own backyard.


For there it's quiet and peaceful,

Beneath the shady trees,

And sunlight through the branches,

Accompanies every breeze.


There are a dozen shades of green,

Designed to please the eye,

Chubby squirrels and humming birds,

....A golden butterfly.


The honeysuckle's perfume,

Permeates the air,

And though I do not see Him,

I know that God is there.


The sky above my head,

Is electric blue,

And there are lazy cotton clouds,

With nothing else to do,

But sail across the heavens,

And yet I know that I

Was given hope whose sturdy wings

Were also meant to fly.


This old world we inhabit,

Is much the worse for wear,

Beauty fades so quickly

And hearts forget to care,


But somehow I've discovered,

Within my own backyard,

A peaceful sanctuary,

.... In which I find the Lord.

Grace E. Easley

Graphics © Thomas Kincaid

Visit all the areas of the gardens


Links Of Love

God's Gifts

Visit with God

Sat in The Garden

The Real Friend

What if

Little Angels

Love Devine

Home Is Where

The Disappointed

Rose Among Thorns

The Silent Things


A Mothers Walk

Is Heaven in the Yellow Pages

God Keeps

The Lighthouse

Reflections of Love

Don't blame children



Apache Tears

Ideals Are Like Stars

Morning Prayer




Pages by angells 

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