This is a page of Misc. Newspaper articles from both the Washington, Post and the Baltimore Sun. Dates vary from 1873-1938. Includes obits, probates, misc. items. For better searching use your find button on your browser.

The Washington Evening Star March 17, 1893

The Courts

Probate Court - Judge Cox

Today - Estate of Sarah UTERMEHL: will filed, admitted to probate and letters granted to Rosa M. TAYLOR and Mamie E. NORMENT; bond $5,000. In re P.J. CAMPBELL; E. F. BUCKEY appointed guardian; bond $2,000. Estate of Jennie E. KANT; petition for probate of will filed. Estate of Thomas McPHEE; will filed with petition for probate, &c. Estate of Wm. OBOLD; petition for adminstration filed. In re: A.C. McCOMB's children: A. C. McCOMB appointed guardian; bond $2,000. Estate of Minnie C. TAYLOR; will filed with petition for probate. Estate of Albert MILLER; petition for leave to sell personal property filed. In re Johanna L. KANE; Julia E. KANE appointed guardian; bond $5,000. Estate of R. A. DAVIS; motion to reduce bond filed. Estate of Silas TERRILL; citation issued. In re Eugene M. TEGETOFF; petition for guardianship. In re Charles H. QUEEN et al; J. W. CHAPPEL appointed guardian; bond $1,600. Estate of E. WILNER; letters of adminstration to Frances M. WILNER; bond $1,000. Estate of Mary A. FULLALOVE; do., to T. R. FULLALOVE - bond $100. Estate of Wm. LEE; will admitted to probate and letters issued to Mary Augusta LEE - special bond in $1,000.


During the twenty -four hours ending at noon today burial permits were issued from the health office for the following: White - Jacob ZELL, 85 years; Edward DUFF, 46 years; Herman J. LOUNT, 49 years; Louisa PETEN, 63 years; Spencer Ewell STIER, ?(paper torn)years; Richard A. DEMENT, 58 years; Elias N. BONNEY, 33 years; Catharine BOYD, 31 years. Colored - Temple SCOTT, 70 years, Lula JOHNSON, 2 years; Milly T. HARRIS, 40 years; Sarah DAVIS, 52 years; Jessie RANDOLPH, 2 years.

February 18, 1938
Washington Post
Probate Proceedings

Justice Daniel W. O'Donoghue, Presiding

Estate - BUCK, B. IDAWill Filed May 7, 1937
Estate - O'HARA, ROBERT B. Will filed July 16, 1919
Estate - WINTERS, HATTIEWill FiledNovember 8, 1937
Estate - BUCHANAN, MOLLIE A.Will FileJanury 5, 1918
Estate - DAVIS, JESSIE M.Order Referring Cause to AuditorNo Date Mentioned
Estate - ECKER, FANNIE E.Order continuing date to April 18
Estate order authorizing guardian to extend trust note
Attorney J. E. Connor
No Date Mentioned
Estate - CROGGON, MARY E.Sale Real Estate Ratified
Attys Cogger & Keehan
No Date mentioned
Re - SHURLEFF, DWIGHT K.Expenditures Ordered
Atty. K. F. Brooks
No Date Mentioned
Estate - PATTON, RAYMOND S.Samuel F. Beach appointed guardian adNo Date Mentioned
Estate - PURDON, LUCY E.Publiction orderedNo Date mentioned
Estate - SHIPP, ANNIE M.Order for commission to Issue
Atty., T. F. Burger
No Date mentioned
Estate - WISE, HARRIET L.Sale bonds and Jewelry Ordered.
Atty., C. F. Wilson
No Date Mentioned
Estate - PEETZ, CLARA S.Sale securities ordered
Atty. J. F. Mullaly
No Date Mentioned
Estate - FIELDING, JOSEPH L.Letters Testamentary granted William H. Fielding; bond $5,000
Atty. H. P Leeman
No Date Mentioned
Estate - GARRETT, CATHERINE C.Publication orderedNo Date Mentioned
Estate - BRAND, MARY A.Letters testamentary granted Mary B. Moore: bond, $35.,000
Atty: Quinter & Sothoron
No Date Mentioned
Estate - MCCANN, FRANCIS J.Letters administration granted Michael J. and Bernadine McCann
Special Bond, $1,000
Atty: Sheehy & Sheehy
No Date Mentioned
Estate - NOON, REUBEN T.Letters testamentary grantee Lydia A. Noon; special bond $1,000.
Atty G. Canton
No Date mentioned
Estate - LANKFORD, THOMAS J.Letters administration granted Bessie Lyman, Bond $500.00
Atty., M. Dunn
No Date Mentioned
Estate - PHIFER, ALFREDLetters administration granted Flors M. Phifer, Special Bond $500.00
Atty: Caywood, Partridge & Smoot
No Date Mentioned
Estate - COFFMAN, DAVID W.Letters administration granted Lucy Smith: bond $1,000
Atty: Papanjooias & Block
No Date Mentioned
Estate - WOOD, MARGARETIA F.Letters testamentary granted American Security & Trust Co.
and Spencer S. Wood, Bond $2,500
Atty: L. D. N. Houston
No Date Mentioned


DICUS - On the evening of the 2d day of May, MARGARET A. DICUS. The funeral will take place on to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at three o'clock from Foundry Chapel, Federal Street.

MILLER - On the 2d day of May, after a long and painful illness, JOSHUA HOWARD MILLER, son of the late James M. and Ann Mark Miller, in the 47th year of his age. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn their loss. May he rest in peace. His funeral will take place on to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at four o'clock, from the residence of his father-in-law. No. 45 Jackson street.

DEGENHARD - On the 2d instant, WILLIAM HENRY, only son of Charles and Elizabeth Degenhard, aged 3 months and 9 days.

Thou weepiest, childless mother.
Aye, weep, 'twill ease thine heart'
He was thy first born son,
Thy first, thy only one.
'Tis hard from him to part.
'Tis hard to lay thy darling
Deep in the damp, cold, earth;
His empty crib to see,
His silent nursery,
Once gladsome with his mirth.

Funeral notice will appear in Monday's paper.

ABERCROMBIE - On the 2d instant, of scarlet fever, JOHN H. ABERCROMBIE, son of Wm. H. Abercrombie, aged 9 years and 7 months.
Funeral will take place on to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at two o'clock. Friends and acquaintance are requested to attend.

ASKEY- After a short but painful illness, REBECCA, beloved wife of William Askey, aged 62 years 6 months and 10 days. Her funeral will take place on to-morrow (Sunday-)afternoon, at half-past two o'clock, from the Highstreet M. E. Church, to which her friends and acquaintance are respectfully invited.

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Obits from The Evening Times, Washington, D.C. Monday July 4, 1898

SULLIVAN, - Monday, July 4, 1898 at 8:30 a.m., MARY AGNES, infant daughter of Patrick and Rose Sullivan, nee McCauley, aged seven months. Funeral from her parent's residence, 117 D St., SW., Wednesday, July 6, 1898, at 2 p.m. Friends and relatives invited to attend.

CULLINANE - Suddenly, on July 3, 1898, at 2 o'clock p.m. ELLA, beloved wife of John Cullinane. Funeral will take place from her late residence, 3015 K St., NW., at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 1898 thence to Holy Trinity Church, where solemn mass will be celebrated to the repose of her soul at 9 o'clock. Friends and relatives respectfully invited to attend.

ROSS - Sacred to the memory of GERTRUDE EMELIA ROSS, the beloved daughter of Aaron and Emma Ross, who departed this life, Saturday, July 2, 1898, at 11:15 a.m.

Sleep in Jesus, blessed sleep
From which none ever wakes to weep

Funeral Tuesday, July 5, 1898, at 3 p.m. from lovely Zion Baptist Church, 10th and R sts., NW. Friends and relatives invited.

GREEN - Suddenly, on Sunday, July 3, 1898 at 5:20 p.m. JAMES EDWARD GREEN. Funeral from his daughter's residence, 1208 57th st., NW, Tuesday, July 5, 1898, at 11 a.m. Philadelphia papers please copy.

NOWLIN - Entered into rest July 3, 1808, LOUISA N. WATKINS, wife of Judge A.W.C. Nowlin. Funeral services will be held at Oak Hill Chapel Tuesday, July 5, at 10:30 a.m. Interment private. Richmond papers please copy.

JENKINS - After an illness of one year, THOMAS J. JENKINS, beloved husband of Martha A. Jenkins, departed this life Sunday, July 3, 1898 at 7:30 p.m. at the age of seventy years seven months and twenty-four days, at his residence, Deanwood, D.C. Funeral from Jones M.E. Church, Benning, D.C. on Tuesday, July 5, at 3 p.m.

BEHRENS - Suddenly, on Saturday, July 2, 1898 at 10:30 o'clock, ALBERT J. BEHRENS. Funeral from late residence, No. 707 I Street Northwest, 10 a.m. July 4. Immediate friends only.

MILLER - The Legion of Loyal Women call attention to the death of one of their sisters, MRS. MARY M. MILLER. The Legion will assist at the funeral services at the church, Thirty-first and n Streets northwest, at 10 a.m. Monday, July 4. Members will meet at the church at 9:45 a.m.Return to main page

The Evening Star
Wednesday, September 30, 1896

Washington, D.C. (Compiler's Note: There was a bad storm that his the D.C. area the previous evening. I cannot find the proceeding page to the paper (these are original papers) but can tell from these articles what happened)


Steeple of Christ Episcopal Church Blown Down

Rockville, September 30, 1896

The great storm which visited this locality last night, was the most destructive in the memory of the oldest inhabitant, and did damage that will take thousands of dollars to repair. At this place the streets were practically blockaded during the greater part of today, although a large force was early put to work to clear away the debris of trees, tin roofs, telephone poles and wires. All the country roads leading to town are blockaded, and but few people have been able to reach town. Those who have come in, mostly on foot report the entire country wrecked, and it will take days to learn the entire extent of the disaster.

The spire of Christ Episcopal Church, which was subjected to the full force of the gale, was blown down, and the heavy brick base broke through the roof of the edifice. The stained glass window in front was shattered. It will require about $3,000.00 to repair the damage. The interior was uninjured. The rectory, which is the residence of Rev. A. S. JOHNS , was badly damaged. A chimney was blown over going through the roof into the rector's study, and a large tree was blown against the front of the house, wrecking the large porch.

The roofs were blown off the residences of Mr. S.T. LUCKETT and Mrs. LYDDANE, and Judge HENDERSON'S residence was injured by falling trees. The African M. E. church was badly wrecked, the upper portion of the front walls being blown in. The hay barracks and barns on the farms of Arthur KEMP, John DAWSON and many other farmers living near here were blown down, and the top of the residence of Mr. Robert LYDDANE, a mile south of Rockville, was blown off.

The magnificent trees in Rockville and the country adjoining, including those in the fair grounds, were leveled to the ground in large numbers.

A tree fell upon a house in Lincoln Park, a colored settlement near here, completely crushing it. It was occupied by Mary COOK and her family. It was thought a then year old boy had been killed, but he was afterward found in the woods in a state of hysterical fright.

The waiting shed at the Baltimore and Ohio depot was lifted up bodily and deposited upside down in the adjoining field.

Many of the trees uprooted or twisted off several feet above the ground were of enormous size, some of them measuring between two and three feet in diameter. Windmills have been wrecked in every direction and corn in shocks have been scattered far and near, in many instances being a complete loss.

On the farm of Mrs. Henry BAIRD, a mile west of this place, several buildings were demolished, trees uprooted and other damage done.

On the premises of Mr. Henry N. COPP, in the same locality, several outbuildings were (hard to read)--On the property of Mr. E. BELL on this ?, a large orchard was entirely destroyed and other damage.

Mr. Robert LYDDANE, living about two miles from here, near the Georgetown pike, had great damage to his place, outbuilding being blown to pieces and scattered in every direction, corn shucks, hay and straw stacks are entirely destroyed, and nothing is left to designate where they formerly stood. His loss will amount to hundred of dollars. The premises of Mr. Ran. DOVE, on Rockville Heights, suffered severely, all the outbuildings being demolished and gathered crops being blown in every direction.

A large hay barrack on the premises of the OFFUTT heirs, in the northern suburbs on town, was blown down and the contents scattered in every direction.

Other near-by points are reported to have suffered in a similar manner. All the telephone and telegraph wires are down and communication with all parts of the county is cut off.

Southwest Section - Washington, D.C.:

The roof of a three-story building occupied by Mr. J. WINFIELD, on G street between 9th and 10th streets southwest fell and crashed through the two-story house next door, occupied by Capt. G.B. FAUNCE. Both Captain FAUNCE and Mr. WINFIELD were both quite badly injured, while their families had decidedly narrow escapes. The houses, which are 918 and 920 G street southwest, are in ruins. Their occupants were taken to a nearby hotel, where a physician rendered medical assistance to those who were injured.


In the southwest section roofs were separated from buildings as follows:

308 41/2 street, Delaware avenue and D streets, C street between South Capitol and Delaware avenue, 46 B street, B street btween 2d and 3d streets, 120 Maryland Avenue, Crab Tree court, B street between 3d and 41/2 streets, four roofs on D street between 3d and 41/2.

A brick wall in Wonder's court collapsed, and a police patrol box at 1st and N streets was demolished.

Countless electric, gas, gasoline and naphtha lamps throughout the southwest section failed to burn during the progress of the storm, and that portion of the city was practically in darkness.

A large tree in front of 112 Virginia avenue lies across the south side of Virginia avenue, obstructing the way. Most of the streets are strewn with timbers and large sheets of tin roofs.

Nos. 60 and 62 F street were unroofed and the buildings, which are brick, were cracked from bottom to top, and considerable damage was done to No. 62, which is a store; 702 Half street was unroofed.

The roof was lifted off of James BRASS' house, corner Half and G streets, and carried some distance. Furniture and dishes were smashed, and much damage done to the property. The loss is estimated at $125.00

The new brick houes of Mr. Edward FITZGERALD, 70, 62, 74 and 76 I street, were all unroofed and otherwise considerably damaged.

The Randall School building also suffered slightly, having the tin roof partly taken off and dashed away, some of it more than a square. Window glasses were broken and scattered about the exterior and interior of the building.

All the buildings on L street between Delaware avenue and Half street were unroofed, the store of H. FRANKLIN, corner Delaware avenue and L street, surffering the most.

Few houses on M street from M street bridge to 41/2 street have their roofs.No. 22 N street is completely enclosed by a large paper mulberry tree falling across the front yard, with it's bushy top cutting off entrance or exit from the front door.

Mr. R.D. RUSK's buildings, 1211 and 1213 3d street, and the stable in the rear suffered great damage. The tin roofs were torn off the dwellings and the whole top was taken off the stable, leaving the bales of hay, corn, and other supplies exposed. Tip JOHNSON, a colored man, who lives in one of the dwellings, and looks after the stables, gathered a number of men while the storm was raging with great fury and rushed into the stable amid flying timbers, falling brick, cracking walls and breaking rafters, and rescued eighteen horses and mules.

At 336 I strreet, the home of Mr. LEVY, the skylight was torn off, glass scattered over the interior of the house and a shed demolished.

The Ambush School building, on L street was partially unroofed but suffered no other damage.

The house at 1021 6th street, the property of John JOHNSON, colored, sustained considerable damage.

Return to main page.



About 4 p.m. yesterday, Mr. John Carroll, who resided at No. 11 South Durham Street, on his return home, not finding his wife (Mrs. Mary Carroll) in the house, was horrified to discover her lifeless body in the sink. The sink had been cleaned out the night before, and it is supposed she was examining it when she fell in, the floor having broken through. A physician was summoned, but his efforts to resuscitate her were ineffectual. Mrs. Carroll was about sixty five years old, and she and her husband were the only occupants of the house. Coroner Siltzer was notified but deemed an inquest unnecessary, the cause of death having been evidently accidental. It would, have been more satisfactory, however, to know the circumstances and cause of the accident.

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