Nathaniel Jones - 1754 Will

In the Name of God Amen I Nathaniel Jones of the County of Westmoreland being in perfect health, sence and memory do make this my last Will and testament making all former Wills and testaments by me had and made appointing and allowing this and no other to be this my last will and testament. First I bequeath my soul unto Almightly God that gave it and my to the dust from whence it was taken in sure and certain hope of resurrection to everlasting life through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and us for what temporal state I hath pleased God for to ensure me --. I do despose thereof in manner and form followeth.
Item, I give and bequeath to my dear and loving wife Sarah HOWSON JONES my Malluto wench Catherine and after the decease of my wife Sarah HOWSON JONES the said Malluto wench Catherine shall have the liberty of chosing either of my children hereafter mentioned for her master.
Item, I give to my wife Sarah HOWSON JONES my Malotto fellow William during her natural life and then to my son John Jones and to his male heirs lawfully begotton of his body.
Item, I give to my dear and loving wife Sarah HOWSON JONES the ? and furniture that I have, also I give and bequeath my dear and loving wife the choice of all the horses and mares I do posest of and a norman's saddle also a case of boules.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son John JONES that ? and parcell of land whereon he now lives and John FRANKLIN formerly lived to him and his heirs fully begotten of his body and in case dies without such heir for the said land to return to my son David JONES also I do give and bequeath to my son John JONES my Mullato fellow William.
Item, I do give and bequeath to my son Nathaniel JONES fifty acres of land whereon William EMBREY formerly lived according to the lines that I have already made be it more or less. Beginning at a branch standing near the dam that divided my land and the land of Robert PECK from whence to a malnick and from whence to a maple marked in a branch and from whence for the said branch to the dam and in case he should die without heir lawfully begotton of his body for it to return to my two sons Calvert JONES and Charles JONES.
Item I do give and bequest to my son Charles JONES fifty acres of land at the upper end of my land beginning at a brick ? me and Cosonel(?) BENNETT from whence to a marked ? from whence to a small Persimmon tree marked in the head of a branch and from whence down the said branch to the dam by the same more or less and in case he should die without heir lawfully begotton of his body for the said land to return to my two sons Calvert JONES and Nathaniel JONES.
Item, I do give to my son Calvert JONES one hundred acres of land by the same mmm? or less whereon I now live counted upon the lines of Nathaniel JONES and Charles JONES, and in case he should die without heir lawfully begotten of his body for the said land to return to my two sons Nathaniel JONES and Charles JONES.
Item, I do give and bequeath to my son David JONES that tract and parcel of land as I bought of George HARDING whereon John CLIFT now lives lying in Stafford County and in case he dies without heir lawfully begotton of his body for the said land to return to my son John JONES.
Item, I do give and bequeath to my daughter Mary PECK fifty shilling and no more. Item, I do give to my daughter Frances JONES fifty shilling and no more. I do give to my daughter Sarah FRANKLIN, fifty shilling and no more and all the rest of my estate to equally divided between my wife and five sons.
Item I make ? appoint my beloved sife Sarah HOWSON JONES and my son Calvert JONES executors and executor of this my last will and testament.

In witness of all and every the above recited ?? I have herinto ? my hand and seal this 20th day of January 1753. His Mark, Nathaniel N. JONES Signed Sealed and published in presence of Thomas CLIFTON, William BONLINSON (his mark), Benjamin THOMAS, James ROWLIN(?), William B(?) his mark.

Westmoreland Sct: At a court held for the said county the 26th day of March 1757 This last will and testament of Nathl JONES died ?? into Court by Calvert JONES one of the Ecrs therein named who made oath of the sums and being duly proved by the Oath of William BOLLING Sen, James BOLLING and William BOLLING, Justice Three of the witnesses thereto subscribed is admitted to record, and upon the ? of the said Exor and his performing what the law in such cases require certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Test: George LEE, C.C.W. Recorded the 20th day of April 1754

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