Chapter Five

Nevin in Ayrshire

Ayrshire lies in the western part of the Lowlands of Scotland, south of Clyde, and is divided by the rivers Doon and Irvine into three districts, Carrick, Kyle and Cunningham.

A generation prior to the appearance of Adam Neven in Shetland, Thomas comes upon the scene in Cunningham, amid questionable circumstances, thus: "29 May 1503, At Are, Precept of Remission to John Bryane in Glenmuk and John Bryane his son, dwellers within the Sheriffdom of Are, for harbouring the late Thomas Nevyn in his robberies and evil deeds whatsoever and for all other actions of treason, murder, fire raising homicide and rape of women excepted, so that they shall not be under any other penalty."

How this Thomas was related to the substantial landowners who follow I have been unable to discover. The first of these was Stephain Nevin, 13 June 1518, At Edinburgh. Precept of Charter to Stephain Nevin of all and whole the 18/6 lands of Nether Auldhallen of old extent with pertinents, lying in the bailliary of Cunynghame and shire of Ayr.

Oldhall, on Pont’s map Redhall, lay in the parish of Dunlop and belonged in 1617 to James Dunlop, of Dunlop. In 1874 it was held by the trustees of James Douglas, deceased.

Stephan Nevin would appear to be the father of James Nevin, first of Kirkwood, as shown by this marriage contract dated at Edinburgh, 15 December 1543; The Queen as princess and Stewardess of Scotland granted to Christine Boyd daughter of Patrick Boyd in Clerkland of Stewartoun, in her pure virginity, for marriage to be contracted between her and John Nevin son and heir apparent of James Nevin of Kirkwood, in liferent and to the said John Nevin heritably and the heirs male lawfully to be procreated between them which failing to the heirs and assignees of the said John whomsoever 18/8 lands of Nether Auldhall of old extent with mansion, houses, biggings, tenants &c, thereof in the bailliary of Cunynghame and shire of Ayre which the said James resigned.

The charter which would establish James as the son of Stephen is unfortunately missing; the estate was held by a Nevin in 1532 but whether Stephen of James is not stated in the "Valpynscharene (weaponshowing) of Conynghame, balde apone the borov mur of the burgh of Irvin, the XV day of the monetht of October, The Zeir of God Im Ve and XXXII zeirs, be Hew Erle Eglingtone ballie of Conyghame, aftir the tenour forme, and effect of our souerane lordis letteris direct to the said baillie and his deputes. The lard of Auldhal Nevin and his tenandis comperand nocht bodin."

Kirkwood lay in the parish of Stewarton, midway between the villages of Stewarton and Dunlop and in 1678 was incorporated in the estate of Lainshaw belonging to the Montgomerys.

John Nevin, III of Kirkwood, and Christine Boyd his spouse, had John, their heir and the IV of Kirkwood. In 1579 the estate of Auldhall is granted to Adam Cunningham as appears from this charter: At Striviling 8 July 1579, The King granted to Adam Cunynghame of Colynane and Jean Mure his spouse 18/8 lands of old extent of Nethir Auldhall, with mansion, houses, biggings, tenants &c, in the bailliary of Cunnynghame and shire of Ayr; of which the fee of John Nevin son and heir apparent of John Nevin of Kirkwood, and liferent of the said John elder and Christian Boyd mother of the said John younger were resigned.

The marriage contract of John IV is dated, At Hailerudhous 9 December 1580. The King granted to John Neving younger, son and heir apparent of John Nevin of Kirkwod, and Cristine Montomerie his future spouse and the survivor of them in conjunct infoftment and the heirs male lawfully to be procreated between them, whom failing to the heirs male of the said John Elder whomsoever of the half of 2½ mercates of the lands of Kirkwod, in the bailliary of Cunynghame and shire of Ayr. Also to the said John Nevin younger, his heirs male and assignees whomsoever, the other half thereof which the said John Elder resigned personally in favour of the said John Younger and Cristine – Holding of the King as Steward of Scotland. Reserving to the said John elder and Cristine Boyd his spouse the free tenement of one half with dwelling house.

The fifth laird of Kirk wood was also John Nevin who died in December 1616, leaving his spouse Katherine Fairnellie and Hew and Christine Nevings their lawful children. Then inventary of his estate free from debt amounted to £313. It was confirmed at Glasgow 3 February 1618.

Their son Hugh, died before succeeding, leaving a son James fifth laird of Kirkwood, who is retoured heir male of John Nevin of Kirkwood, his grandfather, 22 January 1635, in the 2½ lands of old extent of Kirkwood. James married Margaret Montgomery but left no issue and the property passes to Hugh Nevin, VI of Kirkwood.

Hugh Nevin had been portioner of Auchinmead and by charter dated at Edinburgh, 23 August 1647, "The King as administrator for his osn Prince and Steward of Scotland, with consent &c, granted to Hugh Newin portioner of Auchinmaid his heirs and assignees whomsoever irredeemably 2½ merklands of old extent of Kirkwood called Kirkwode-Nevein in the bailiary of Cunynghame and shire of Ayr – Which James Newin of Kirkwood with consent of John Sempill at Brigend of Alyieston and Hugh Nevin by whichever of the two still alive, he was interdicted, also Margaret Montgomery portioner of Over Auchintibber brother-in-law to said James, dated at the Burgh of Irwing and . . . 19 November and . . . 1646. . ."

Hugh Nevin, baillie burgess of Irwin and Jonet Pawtoun, his spouse, are mentioned in a contract dated, 19 May 1574, Hugh as brother of Andro Nevin of Monkredding. In a charter dated 1585, the King confirms to Hugh Nevin and Jonet Pawtoun his spouse the lands of old extent of Auchinmade and the 6/8 lands of Darnboing of which they are designated as heritable feumformers.

Jonet died 28 April 1591, her will states: "defunct and her husband had action the time of her deceise against Monsieur Larcrout in Ritchall in France for spoilation of certain goods and gear. Whereupon after long plea and great expense he received and had only in free money his charges and expences being deducit, the sum of £533-6-8" But one child is mentioned a daughter Jonet. Whether there was a son Hugh who became portioner of Achinmade or whether it was Andro’s son is not clear. Hew Neving of Achinmade is a creditor in Andro’s will in 1597. The above contracts tend to show the close relationship of the Kirkwood and Monkredding families and give a basis for supposing that Stephan of Oldhall was the common ancestor.

Hugh VI of Kirkwood died in December 1645, his testament is given up by Hugh his lawful son who succeeds him. The sum of the inventary was £662-13-8.

Hugh VII of Kirkwood was bailie to Sir Alexander Cunningham as appears in Corshill Baron-Court Book, 7 March 1673, "Court holden within the hall of Corshill, the threttene day of January 1673 be the Rycht honourabill Sir Alexander Cunyhame of Corshil, and Hughe Niven of Kirkwood, his honouris balizee, with all other members needful."

25 July 1666, a summons was issued at the instance of "Hew Neving of Kirkwood against John Richie in Byres of Kilwinning, for non payment of £67 being the silver maill and duty of the lands of Darnboig, which belong to the pursuer." Darnboig, it will be remembered, was in 1585, the property of Hugh Nevin, brother of Andro of Monkredding. Hugh is apparently the last of Kirkwood and by charter 2 May 1667, the lands are incorporated in the Eglinton estates. An abstract of this charter reads: "Whythall. Charter with clause of Novodamus, granting to Hugh, Earl of Elginton, Lord Montgomery and Kilwinning his heirs &c the 2½ merk lands of the same called Kirkwood Neivine with building &c the 2½ merk lands of Craiglie with the commomty of Large &c . . . all of which lands (except Kirkwood Neivine and Craglis) formerly belonged to Hugh, Earl of Eglinton, Kirkwood Neivine to Hugh Neivine of Kirkwood, and Craiglie to Robert Montgomerie of Heaslehead, and were resigned by them for new infeftments."

Hugh Nevin died September 1677, his testament was given up partly by himself and partly by Agnes Dick, his relict. A later will is dated at Over Kirkwood, 28 August 1677, "the said umquhile Hew Nevin of Kirkwood, he ordains that his body be buried in the churchyard of Kilwinning in his father’s burial place of Kilwinning. He appoints the said Agnes his spouse his executrix and leaves all his goods to her, and ordains her to pay all debts due by him and he appoints Robert Montgomery of Boigtoun, and George Gavin writer in Irvine to be overseers of his said spouse and for the helping of her in the right ordering of her affairs." James Nevin in Drumbuie is a witness.


"Cuninghame layes in the west pairts of this kingdome marcheing touardes ye North & North east with the countrey of Renfrew . . . it is Lykwayes devydit from the countrey of Rainfrew by the river Maiech and by Loch Whinnoch and pairtly by the Coldwell-moores and yat of the Meirinis . . . Cuninghame exceids not 30 myles in lenth and not much aboue 20 in breidth."

In this small area for more than two centuries live the Nevin families of Oldhall, Auchinmade, Kirkwood, and Monkredding. Monkredding House stands in the parish of Kilwinning about one and a half miles east by north of the village of Kilwinning and near to the town of Irvine.

The Monastery of Kilwinning, of which Monkreding was once a part, consisted originally of a Cross church about 225 feet in length inside, 65 feet in breadth at the nave, and 98 at the transepts. The northernmost tower was struck by lightning in 1809 and the greater part fell five years after. There is no contemporary account in existence of the Monastery as it appeared before the Reformation, but this description by Pont is of interest:

"It doth beare the name Vinnen of a certain holy man so named, wich came from Irland with certane of hes discipells and followers and heir taught the Gospell, the place of hes residence retaining still the name Kill vinnen. The church or cell of Vinnen, unto quhome as to a notable sante the superstitious posterity dedicated. It was foundit by a Noble Englichman, named Sir Richard Morwell, fugitive from his auen countrey for the slaughter of Thomas Becket, Archbischope of Canterburrey (he one of them) in the reign of King Henry 2d of England quho flying to Scotland wes be the then Scotts King Velcomed and honoured with the office of grate Constable of Scotland, as also inriched with the Lordeschipe of Cunninghame, Largis, and Lauderaill, quhosse posterity for diuers generations possessed the said office and lands. Now the foresaid Richard being a vald seime touched vith compunctions for the sauety of hes soul (according the custom of these times) did found this Abbey of Kilvinnen in testimony of hes repentance. The structure of thes monestery wes solid and grate, all of free stone cutte, the church fair and staitly, after the modell of that of Glashow, vith a fair steeiple of 7 score foote of height, zet standing quhen I myselue did see it. Heir wer also the Lords Montgomery and Earls of Eglintine interrid. Heir it is remarkable that this monastery was foundit in Ao 1191 and destroyed in Ao 1591. It is the precinct enuvironed vith a faire vall, within vich ar goodly gardens and orchards."

In 1539, the Nevin family obtained Monkredding from Alesxander, Abbot of Kilwinning. Thomas Nevin was the first secular proprietor of the lands, "part of the ancient halydom of Kilwinning, which about this time was beginning to be parcelled out by the Abbots, to whoever would best remunerate them for the ostensible gift, forseeing that their own possession was becoming doubtful and unsteady."

The estate consisted of some 700 acres and was added to from time to time increasing it to over 1000 acres, comprising in all twelve farms: viz. Monkredding, East and West, Hullerhill; Crofthead; Bannoch; Gooseloan; Corshill; Gaitmuirland; Nether Mains; Boutriehill; Lylestone; and Golderaig.

The mansion built by Thomas Nevin in 1558, is still standing and forms part of the present house. "It is in a pleasant enough situation among some growing timber both old and young in a gentle hollow well sheltered with wood."

"In the lands of Monkridding there are old coal wastes, connected with the limestone series, from 2½ to 3 feet in thickness, which had been opened several hundred years ago and they extend over between 50 and 100 acres. This coal-bed must have been of great value in those days of defective machinery from the peculiar position of the coal and lay of the land, as it was all wrought water-free and from the old waste there is now a constant run of fine water. There is a great extent of the lower seam yet to work. Among the Blair papers were found receipts for coal from this locality dated 200 years ago."

In 1868 the estate was sold to Hugh Cunningham of Clonbeith, Writer to the Signet, who was succeeded by his son, George of Monkredding. He married in 1714, Agnes, daughter of George Dallas of Parklie, representative of an ancient respectable family in Linlithgowshire, by whom he had a son and three daughters. His son, also George, married 1752, Janet, daughter of John Gemmel of Townlands, and had a son and four daughters. The first daughter Agnes, married William Miller of Monkcastle. The second Catherine, married Thomas Brisbane, minister of Dunlop. Anne married John Monteath, minister of Houston. Elizabeth married . . . Harrison of the Excise office, Edinburgh and had no issue. George the son, succeeded his father in 1786, and at his in 1830, the estate was divided in three shares among the heirs of his sisters.

The mansion house of Monkredding, with the gardens and about six acres, besides the equal share of the estate, fell to the heir of the eldest sister, William Miller of Monkcastle, and is now the property of his two daughters; Mrs. Walnut and Mrs. M’Alister of Glenbar (vide Monkcastle), Lylestoun the portion of the second sister, Mrs. Brisbane, on the death of her son Thomas, fell by special destination to Hugh King, Writer in Kiwlinning. Goldcraig, Mrs. Monteath’s portion, to which her son James succeeded, was by him divided and sold, part to William Lang of Greatholme, and the remainder to James and John Heggie.

Mrs. A.G.C. Macalister, wife of Keith macalister of Glenbar, Argyleshire, who inherited Monkredding, died in the spring of 1924, and the estate passed to her son, Captain Macalister R.N. retired. Her great love for Monkredding is shown in these letters written in the year before her death.

"Monkredding, Kilinning, Ayrshire. 16 March 1923.

I did not thinik the views of the house satisfactory as it did not include trees and shrubs. There are two dates of your time of possession 1602 and 1658. (Mrs. Macalister has forgotten the date, "N – 1558" on gable and under the chimney. J.D.N" First over kitchen door, the second is on kitchen wall, which shows there had been two additions there. Part of an old tower was left which I built up, and the men who worked on it said that tower was the oldest building. Some of the inner walls are three or four feet thick and all seem substantial. The kitchen I have been told had originally arches, as the scullery still has. I have never heard of the Nevin family naturally but I have a book containing a notice of them, which if you are anxious I would get copied at your expense. In the meanwhile I am getting old and frail and cannot do much. But if you say you wish this done I shall try and do it. The old name of the place is Moncarden or Monks Gaeden, part of the old Abby grounds of Kilwinning which is two miles off. The book I refer to by George Robertson 1825, cannot be got now so I dislike letting it out of the house, as so often they are never returned, but if you are very anxious I would try to get a typerwritten copy. I have not heard of any Nevins here; there was one little tombstone found at Kilwinning I think, it was hardly above the ground. The Lords of Eglinton seemed intimate with the family as one came over here, took ill, and died in the house. They seemed friendly. Please let me know your wishes and if able I will try to get them done."

On the 22 March, she writes: "In the meantime I have not heard from you but my son told me he would be so kind as to typewrite the article about the Nevins I told you of which I have in an old book of 1825 no longer in print by George Robertson. In writing I think I forgot to answer about additions to house. The door at back of house now with date 1602 on it must have been the principal entrance in those primitive days, a smallish room there with two loopholes and arched roof come first and then a kitchen which also had arched ceiling now done away with, date 1637 on it. One window to front, next window below is a good pantry room, then comes our addition which I think may have been 1717, as the family were still I think at Clonbeith. Next comes porch which I added. Next come two windows of dining room, above that drawing room. Behind dining room I added a smoking room with 1906 on it, and minor apartments. My bedroom above looks on the old garden, fields and trees with a little burn running through it. We still have some fine old trees, one beech fell in a storm. Arboriculturists who knew about it said 400 years old, probably planted like a few others by the Monks. It was said there was underground passage to Kilwinning Abbey but no trace has been seen. I am sorry my son is not strong, he was in the Royal Navy but had Yellow Fever in Jamaica and the heart much affected, so he has to live most quietly, nursed by his excellent wife. His heart’s great love is the sea and they live near it, his heart has never been in this place as mine is. I was Ayrshire born as my father had a property called Monk Castle about six miles from here which we have sold, but it was curious both were monkish lands. The Abbot lived at Monk Castle in R Catholic times. On my mother’s side we were an old Campbell family, Argyleshire. I am over 80 and not strong now. We are surrounded by daffodils just now."

The next letter from Monkredding is dated 18 April

"I wondered I had no answer to my letters, and was just posting my account of the Nevins when your letter arrived, so I suppose what my son copied for you is no use. How extraordinary these old chronicles being in America. My name is not "Agnes" but Alexandrina Georgiana Cuninghame Macalestir. Curiously enough the two latter name were from my great great grandfather George Cuninghame of Monkredding. The place was just all enwreathed with daffodils, which love this place and increase more than in many places. The ruin of Clonbeith is not far from here . . . My son has no child. My father’s family had a place a few miles off called Monk Castle but we sold it. My only remaining brother died at 14.

The Abbots Castle was at Monk Castle. I understand the priest from Kilwinning Abbey lived here and its name was Moncarden when your family bought it – I suppose meaning Monk’s Garden; it is beautiful soil and a few fine old trees left, one of 400 years was blown down since I came. I am glad to have bben able to tell you anything of interest."

Her last letter is dated 19 May 1923. "I must explain, my gt gt grandfather left three duaghters, the estate to be divided between the three. Our gt grandmother being the eldest had the house and two fields belonging to it and a third of the rest, which we now have; my sister having died, my son came in next to share it. My dear who was next heir was killed in the Boer War, a very fine man both in body and mind, he was 6 feet three, being killed at the Ladysmith battle. He got the D.S.O. for that. Many thought he should have got the V. Cross. After one battle he carried a wounded soldier tow miles; he had many medals and was at every War during his life. My son was only at one in Egypt where he got the Turkish Medal, but he was mentioned in dispatches and got two years priority of promotion . . .

Three farms belong to us and a quarry, and I bought "Gooseloan Farm" as it was for sale and just lay into the grounds, so I thougth if any one bought it it might be very disagreeable for my own living here as it came very near the house.

Just before the War I had to go through a long correspondence with a German Baron whom we had never heard of, who said his mother was the daughter of a Campbell, of my mother’s grandfather I think, and he narrated all particulars of the family whom I know little about. I traced it to about 1400, a second son of the Earle of Argyle, who married the heiress of Cawdor. My gt grandfather, Major Campbell fought at Culloden, India, and in the Low Countries Wars. My grandfather was in the Portuguese Navy and died at 42, Admiral of th Home Fleet. Highland gentry were long poor and entered foreign service. His widow and two daughters lived in Portugal or they would not have got the pension due to them. My mother being ill was ordered home for a change and she then married Mr. Miller of Monk Castle.

The Great War came on and I am glad to say I heard no more about the German Baron.

An ancestor raied a portion of a regiment and went out to America at the time of the War with them and was killed. I have read that war was the greatest mistake on the British side.

I enclose notes of the property you seemed to wish to have, I got them from the Factor yesterday. I am sending a larger photo of the house, but you will se it was before the tower was rebuilt. I have only on of that so cannot spare it but I send you picture of the back part containing tower after rebuilding showing small windows; there were two loopholes, one remains, the other was enlarged for light; the back door as you see it, was probably the main door, and to the North and the whole might be a Peel, as those were the fighting days of clan warfare even in the Lowlands. The Montgomeries and the Cuninghames tried to exterminate one another. Farms burnt and crops destroyed, which James VI tried to sop. The grounds in front rise in a gentle hill after going down to a stream, the hill is crowned with old woods, some very fine old trees, but I fear on their decline, I hope they will last sometime yet. The going green is so lovely now; we have lovely daffodils in early spring. We are besieged with people wanting them. The value of the property I suppose, not divided would now be about £30,000, but people are sickened of property just now, as they are taxed out of it. I should like to say the house really belongs to my son but he most kindly made it over to me for my life, but he does not care for it because "there is no sea."

The Factor’s estimate of the present value of the property is.


Monkredding, garden, homeparks, woodlands 10 acres

Hullerhill Farm 77½ "

Crofthead Farm 70 "

Bannoch Farm 88 "

Freestone Quarry 10½ "

Woodlands &c 18 "

Bannoch Building Sites 4 "

Gooseloan Farm 100 "

Total 378 "

Market Value, Monkredding Estate, about £10,000

Gooseloan Farm £ 1,000

Total £11,000



"This family seems from their connections, to have been of respectable rank, but from whence they were derived, or what became of them after leaving this place, are alike to me unknown.

To have an account of those ancient families, highly respectable in their time, who are either now extinct, or have ceased to have connexion with their respective properties in this county, viz. – Campbell, Crawford, Cunningham, Fairlie, Kelso, Logan, Lyme, Montgomery, Nevin of Monkredding. Any information bearing on their particular history, or even but stating when they died out – or alienated their property – and if known – who now represents them, will be gratifying communication addressed to me by private conveyance at Bower-Lodge, Irvine, G.R." So wrote George Robertson in 1825 in his "Prrincipal Families of Ayrshire."


How Thomas Nevin acquired the lands of Monkredding is told in this Charter under the Register of the Great Seal of Scotland.

At Edinburgh 15 May 1546. The Queen confirms a Charter by Alexander, Abbot of the Moastery of Kilwinning, and convent thereof (Who, for certain sums of money paid to him) demitted at feu-ferm to Thomas Nevin and Elizabeth Crawford, his spouse – the lands of Eist Monkredding man rented by the said Thomas and Elizabeth extending to 20/-land of old extent, in th regality of Kilwinning, bailliary of Cunningham and shire of Ayr; - Holding to the said Thomas and Elizabeth in conjunct fee, and the heirs male lawfully procreat between them, which failing, to the oldest daughter without division and their assignees of the said Monastery; - Paying therefore yearly 20/-formerly wont with 6/8 in augmentation, 3 capons and 3 hens; and three suits at the three capital courts of Kilwinning, with service in the Justiciary and Chamberlain Courts of the said Monastery, with other services, contained in the great rental of the said Monastery, duplicating the feu-duty at the entry of each heir; - Witnesses, D. Eumenide Hernisone, Vicar of Kilmaccarny, D. Leone Jackson, chaplain, John Hamilton of Auchintebir Middle, Andrew Hamilton of Brounmure, Patrick Hamilton of Bogsyde, near Irwin; - at the said Monastery 20 July 1539.

And another Charter by him (Who, for certain sims paid to him, at feu-ferm demitted to the said Thomas Nevin and Elizabeth Crawford, the 2 merklands of Guslone, 16/8 of Bannoch, of old extent, lying in the parish and regality of Kilwinning &c Holding to the said Thomas and Elizabeth &c . . . Rendering yearly &c . . . at the said Monastery 13 April 1543.

Also another Charter by him (Who, for certain sums &c . . . at feu-ferm demitted to the said Thomas Nevin and Elizabeth Crawford the 20/- land of West Monkredding, 10/- land of Gaitmuirland, of old extent, 10/- land in Corshill, 40d land of Nethir Mains, 6/8 land of Corsholme, of new extent, extending in all to 50/- in the parish and regality of Kilwinning. Holding . . . &c Rendering yearly 50/- formerly wont, with 10/- in augmentation, 5 capons, 5 hens and poultry; and three suits, &c as above. Witnesses . . . at the said Monastery 1 April 1545.

Thomas Nevin was sherrif of the burgh of Irvine as appears in "Summons at the instance of the Burgh of Irvine against the sheriff of Ayr, for infringing their privileges, 11 January 1538-9.

"James be the Grace of God King of Scottis to our lovittis Thomas Nevin messinger, Adam Mungumry, James Brown, oure schirreffis . . . the xiiij day of Januere the yere of God jmve xxxviij yeris, I Thomas Nevin ane of the scherreffis in that part within constitut past, at command of thir our soverane lordis letterez and summoned warnit and chargit Hew Campbell of Loudoun, Schirreff of Aire personally apprehendit in jugement in the tolbuyth of Aire to compere before the lordis of Counsell day and place within written, with continuance of dais to heire letterez gevin to the effect within written or elles to schaw ane reasonable caus quhy the samin suld nocht be gevin with certificatioun as is within specifyit . . . and for the mair witnessing I have affixt my signet"

This license was granted by King James V, 24 October 1542.


We, vnderstanding that oure louittis maister W. Montogomery of the Stane, and Robert Hunter of Hunterstoun, ar now vaik and tender of complectioun, and troublit with seikness and infirmite, and may nocht travell without grate danger of thair lyvies; Thairfore, and for certaine vthiris ressonable caussis and considerationis moving ws, be the tennour heirof, of oure speciall grace, gevis and grantis licence to remane and byde at hame fra this oure eist and assemble, and fra all vthiris oure eisties, raidis, assemblies, weris and wappinschewingis to be maid be ws or oure lieutennentis, within oure realme or vtouth, and dischargis thame thairof; and als we, be the tennour heirof, gevis licence to Thomas Nevyn, servand to oure cousing, Hew Erle of Eglinstoune to remane and byde at hame fra our saidis oistis and weiris, and will that he incur na skaith nor dnager thairthrow, in his persoun, landis, nor gudis, as is above Written. Subsrivit with oure hand and gevin under oure signet at Edinburgh the xxiiii day of October and of oure regnne the xxx zeir.

James R"

Thomas nevin appears to have been on terms of intimacy with Hugh , second Earl of Eglinton, who on some friendly visit to him, was taken seriously ill, and died in the house of Monkredding, 3 September 1546. By his will, previously made, an abstract of which follows, he appointed Thomas Nevin one of the tutors or guardians in succession to his son, the young Earl.

Testament of Hugh, Second Earl of Eglinton, 18 and 31 August 1546. Testamentum quondam nobilis et potentis Domini, Hugonis Comites de Eglintoune ac Domini Montgumry, qui obiit apud Monkreddin, tertie Septembris 154. And als I mak my said spous tutrix testamentar to my air or airis (exceptand it that I have maid Hew Montgumry, my gud schiris bruther sonne, tutour to my air or airis, as is within written); and gyf she mareis, I make Maister James Houstoune, subdeyne, tutour; and gyf he dicessis, my air of airis beand of non age, John Montgumry, young Laird of Hessilheid; and gyf he decessis, George Montgumry of Murhous; and eftir him, Thomas Newin of Monkreddin (Peerage)."

Rhomas Nevin is a witness to the above will, and to the will of Hugh, first Earl of Eglinton, 23 September 1543, where his name is spelled, Thoma Newyne of Monkredding.

Thomas Nevin and Elizabeth Crawford, so far as known, had issue:

  1. Andrew Nevin, who succeeded.
  2. Hugh Nevin, bailie burgess in Irvine, married Janet Patoun and had issue; a daughter Janet.
  3. Thomas Nevin, The Montgomery MS says, p 53: "Sir Hugh also brought with him . . . and Mr. Thomas Nevin, brother to the Laird of Monkredding gentleman, his near allys, and gave them lands in fee farm in Donaghadee parish." This was in 1605, Andrew Nevin II of Monkredding, died in 1597, and was succeede by his eldest son Thomas. The above is probably a mistake and should read "Mr. Thomas Nevin brother to the late Laird of Monkredding."

"All substantial persons generally took out letters of denization soon after they came to Ireland. The following received such letters in 1617: the majority of them having settled on Sir Hugh Montgomery’s estates probably ten years prior to that date, viz, Thomas Nevin of Ballycopland."


An instrument of sasine to the lands of Monkredding shows Andrew Nevin, heir to his father, Thomas Nevin, in 1581. On page 331, Pont states: "Moncarden – A proper duelling veill planted, zeilding in all the ground yeroff colles, and belongs to Andrew Niuen, Laird thereof."

Andrew Nevin married Janet, daughter of Adam Montgomery, IV of Braidstane. Her Will reads:

Testament Dative and Invetary of Jonet Montgomerie spouse of Andro Neving of Monkridden, who died 1 October 1593. Given up by said Andro as father and lawful administrator to Ninian Nevin his son lawful executor dative decerned to said Jonet Montgomerie.

Inventary - £448-10/-

Debts due by Hew Nevin in Gaitmureland, William Bar in Monkredden, Wiilliam Broun there, William Tailzeir there, Michaell Nevin there, James Throw there and Francis Patrick in Corswall of Kilwinning –

Sum of said debts - £191- 6 /-

Debts due to Alesone Campbell in Killwyining, Mr. Alexander Wrtoun minister of Kilwyning, (married Geilles Nevin) The Abbot of Kilwyining, the Master of Eglintoun . . . Elizabeth Montomerie spouse to Neill Murray . . . et als.

The Will of Andrew Nevin reads: "Testament &c of Andro Neving of Monkridding who died 3 Decmber 1597.

Inventary £114 – 6 – 8

Debts due by James Reid of Reidstoun, James Hamilton of Ardoche, Robert Galt in Wodsyde, John Wat of ---- John Kid, Hew Neving of Auchinmade, William Montogomerie of Sevinaikeris, Jane Campbell Maistres of Eglintoun, Hew Montgomerie of Hessilheid, Robert Montgomerie of Skelmorlie, Marioun Montgomery in Irving . . . Robert Dunlop in Gwistoun, John Neving there (probably Andrew’s brother John of Gooseloan), John Patrik in Gaitmureland, William Bar, Frances Patrik

Sum of said debts - £1081 –7 –8

Sum of Inventary and Debts £1195 – 14/

Debts due to Alexander Wrattoun minister at Kilwining, Neil Montgormery in Grenefute (Greenfield) . . . The Maistress of Eglintoun, My Lord of Toungland and Allan Stevinstoun

Sum of said debts £250 – 17 – 2

Free gear - £944 – 17

Latter Will Monkridding 17 November 1597

Constituting Ninian Neving his second son whom failing Thomas Neving of Monkridding his eldest son his executors. he leaves his haill goods and gear, debts being paid to said Ninian to be used by him as his own proper goods and gear. Witnesses, Hew Neving burgess of Irving . . . &c Hw Montgomery of Braidstane is cautioner.

In 1562 Andreew Nevin signed this famous "Band" or Covenant" in support of the Reformation:

"To Kyle, and to the prtis of Galloway was appointed Johnne Knox, who besyde the doctrine of the evangell schawen unto the common people, foirwarned some of the nobilite and Baronis of the dangearis that he feared, and that war appearing schortlie to follow; and exhorted thame to put thame selfis in sic ordour as that thei mycht be able to serve the authoritie, and yit not to suffer the ennemeis of Goddis treuth to have the upper hand, whair upoun a great part of the Baronis and Gentlemen of Kyle and Cunynghame and Carrik, professing the treu doctrine of the evangell, assembled at Ayre; and after exhortationis maid, and conference had, subscritit this Band. The tennour whairof followis:-

We, whais names are underwitten, do promess, in the presence of God, and in the presence of his sone our Lord Jesus Christ, that we, and everie ane of us, shall and will manteane and assist the preaching of his holy Evangell, now of his mear mercy, offered unto this Realme; . . . And this we do, as we desyre to be accepted and favored of the Lord Jesus, and recompted worthy of credyto and honestie in the presence of the godlie. At the borough of Air, the ferd day of September, the year of God Jm Ve threscoir twa zeiris. Subcriit by all these with thair handis, as follows:"

There are 78 names in the list, the 65 is "Andro Neven of Monkredden."

Andrew is mentioned in this letter from Hugh, third Earl of Eglinton, to the Laird of Nether Pollok, 2 November 1576:

Honorabill Sir – Eftir hartlie commendatioun: I resaauit zour letter; and toward zour anuell ze wrait of, according to my former letter written t zow, I left the same all in the tennentis handis, and ordanit my seruand, Andro Nevin, to collect and imbring the same owt of thair handis to be deliuerit to zow, and becaus I haue presentlie directit the said Andro Nevin to Edinburgh, with sum siluer to my Lord Regentis Grace, thairfoir ze man haue patience quhile the saide Androis returne frome Edinbugh; in continint thereftir, I sall caus mak zow payment of zour anuellis a reason wald, and ze salbe no langer differrit. Thus having presentlie no vthir occasioun, comiitis zow in the protection of God.

From Polnone, 2 Nov 1576; and geif credeit to the berar. Zour lufing gud friend assuritlie.

Hugh Montgomerie.

Andrew Nevin and Jean Montgomery had issue:

  1. Thomas Nevin who succeeded.
  2. Ninian Nevin. "Ninian Neving, brother to the guidman of Monkredding: is a debtor in the will of Agnes Cunningham of Clonbeith and that as cautioner for umquihile John Dunlop of Auchenskeyth,"an hundrith pund: December 1612. (Pont) Ninian had a son Thomas, as appears in "Bond of Cuation by John Anderson portioner of Blook as cautioner for Robert Neving in Auchinskeith that the sum of 25 merks, due to them by John Murray Cook in Kilwinning arrested in his hands at the instance of Thomas Nevene son of Ninian Nevene dwelling within the bounds of the lands of Monkridding, shall be forthcoming. At Irving 24 December 1660(Court Books. fol 5 1660-1664)
  3. Michael Nevin
  4. Hugh Nevin of Gooseloan
  5. Geilles Nevin, married Mr. Alexander Wrtoun, minister of Kilwinning.


Succeeded his father Andrew Nevin, as appears in "Sasine on Precept of Clare Constat by William Lyn of Bourtrihill in favor of Thomas Neving of Monkredding son and heir of the late Andrew Neving of Monkredding of the 33/4 land of Bourtrihill bailliary of Cunninghame. At Irving 7 June 1598. Andrew Craufurd burgess of Paisley is a witness."

He is a creditor in the Testament of Johne Watt of Moscolloch, March 1610, and a witness to a discharge granted by John Blair of that Ilk, to the Burgh of Irvine, for parsonage teinds of some lands in the vicinity of that town, 14 May 1600.

His name also occurs in a Charter giving possession of certan lands to Adam Fairlie &c which was written by the hand of Thomas Neivien of Monkridding, at Eglinton, 8 May 1620.

Alexander, sixth Earl of Eglinton, to Anna Livingstoun, his countess, 30 June 1618. "Mr Sweithert – My louing dutie remimberit to yourself and to your seister; Thir feu lynes ar to let you knau that my lady my mother and our father with the rest of the lordis that is heir with my Lord Fleiming, Wilbe all with you, God uilling, upon Seterday nixt out of Glasgou; thairfor caus haus our supper in reddiness. Ze sall also derec Thomas Neuin to send the 33 letters (thtat I soubscryuit auay with all diligence to my friendis; and sie tham derecit all to meit ws on Fryday at the Seicht Heill or Beisschopis Brigis be tua efter non. Let all nesesseris be gotin in redines: remitting all the rest to the beirrer, I rest Your most louing housband


Thomas Nevin is found as a witness to numerous charters under the Great Seal of Scotland, and in 1590 he is mentioned as a Notary Public. A Charter tells of his marriage: Charter by Thomas Nevin, younger of Monkredding with consent of his father, Andrew Nevin of Monkredding, for fulfilment of a Contract of marriage, between them on the one part; and John Schaw of Greenock and Jean Schaw his lawful daughter on the other part, in terms of which the granter secures to Jean Schaw his future spouse, in liferent the 2 merkland of old extent of Guislone and the 16/8 land of Bannocht in the parish and regality of Kilwinning and shire of Ayr. At Monkridding 3 September 1593. Witnesses, John Dunlop of Auchinskeyth, Ninian Nevin the granter’s brother german, Matthew Young, servant of Andrew Nevin and Hugh Mure, the granter’s servant.

John Shaw of Greenock, Esquire, son of Alexander Shaw of Sauchie, married 1565, his cousin Jean, daughter of John Cunningham of Glengarnock, by whom he had a family of five sons and sux daughters. The eldest, Elizabeth, married 1587, Hugh Montgomery sixth of Braidstane, afterwards First Viscount of the Ards. The fourth, Christian, married Patrick Montgomery of Blackhouse, son of John Montgomery of the Braidstane family. The sixth, mean, married Thomas Nevin third of Monkredding.

Thomas Nevin of Monkredding, his cousin Thomas Nevin of Do (a village in county Down, Ireland), his son Mr. Hugh Nevin, his son-in-law Henry Savage, and his brother-in-law John Shaw of Greenock, attended the funeral of their kinsman, Sir Hugh Montgomery of the Ards in Ireland in September 1636. A very exact and length description of the funeral is given in the Montgomery MS.

Thomas III of Monkredding died in April 1651, his Will reads in part: It was given up by James Neving second lawful son . . . the defunct was addebted and owing to Hew Baillie in Kilwinning and Anna Buntein his spouse the sum of 300 merk money principal sum and £24 for two years annual-rent bygone . . . to Andro Roger son lawful to umquhile Andro Roger Dundryvane, the same, was owing to Thomas Thomson, servitor to the Earl of Eglinton the sum of 100 merks money &c.

The inventary is interesting,

Item defunct had the time foresaid pertaining and belonging to hiim the goods and geir underwritten of the prices following viz, In the first, "Ane fedder bed with bouster and twa codds all estimat worth xiii lib vi s viii d.

Item ane cadday worth viii lib

Item ane greit brassen pott, worth xii lib

Item, ane meikle arke of fir, xiii lib bi s viii d

Item, ane coffer with certane linnings withing the same, xiii lib vi s viii

Item ane night gowne of Blake rugge pryce iiii lib

Item twa brassen Chaudlers, worth svi lib

Item ane cabinet with claithes and papers therein, pryce iiii lib

Item ane lettrone with papers therein, worth iii lib

Item ane purse with ane silver signet xxiiii lib

Item ane pair of seasors xx s

Item ane pair of spectacles sett with silver and ane uther pair with horne and ane caise thereto, worth xl s

Item ane greit Byble, worth xl s

Item ane greit Psalme Buike, xxx s

Item ane lesser Psalme Buik, pryce xii s

Item ane greit Booke of the Acts of Parliament, vi lib xiii s iiii d

Item ane uther three Buiks of Preiching sett out be Inglischmen worth xxx s the piece Inde iii Lib x s

Item in the possessione of Hendrie Kelso in Kilwinning and Geilles Neving his spous, ane hundret punds money of superplus of the defunct’s buirding payit for him be him to them befoir hand mair nor he receive buirding for fra them.

Sum of Inventary - £205

Debts owing in , "Item there was awand to the defunct the tyme foirsaid, be the Earl of Eglinton and his factors for his pensione 14 lib"

Summa patet 1 0 lib

Summa of ye Inventare and debts iiicv lib ix s iiii d

. . . these presents writeen by Claud Hamilton, servitor to John Selkrig, subscribed with our hands. At Monkredding the 7 February 1652 years. Before these witnesses Patrike Neving brother german to the said james Neving and William Boyd Tailor in Kilwinning. Sic. Sub. John Dunlope James Neving, Patrike Neving, witness, William Boyd.

Thomas Nevin, elder of Monkredding is cautioner, 1641, to the Wil of Jean Montgomerie, Lady Kelsoland, his sister-in-law, who married Patrick Shaw of Kelsoland (uncle to Jean Shaw, wife of Thomas Nevin).

Thomas Nevin and Jean Shaw had issues:

  1. Thomas, who succeeded. "Thomas Nevin fear of Monkredding, Ninian Neving his father brother and Mr. Hugh Nevin his brother german" all witness to the Will of Neill Montgomery, Kilwinning March 1623 (Pont. p 331)
  2. James Nevin
  3. Patrick Nevin
  4. Hugh Nevin of whom later (County Down)
  5. Elizabeth Nevin, died Married, 1628, Henry Savage of Ardkeen, son of Jenkin and grandson of Fedoragh Savage of Ardkoen. Henry Savage marrie (1) Ellis NyNeil, second wife of Con O’Neil. Montgomery says of Henry Savage (p 328). "This gentleman was loyal and moderate in his Romish religion and read the Holy Scriptures; and on his deathbed (whereon he lay long) assured me, that he trusted for his salvation only to the merits and meditation of Jesus Christ. He kept no images in his house, and if he had any (or such like) he said he would meditate on it but not worship it.He used to say, that invocation of Saints was needless, although it were supposed they did hear us, or knew our wants; because he was sure his Saviour was God all-sufficient, and our intercessor as a man and priest. He was by marriage next cousin to Sir James (2d Viscount) and by that way related to some of the officers in his regiment, to whom he was kind, and he was hospitable to the rest; yet, all this did not release the fear he had from the vulgar people and inferior officers." (caused by the persecution of Papists at that time)
  6. There is mention of the marriage of Elizabeth and her sister in the 1830 Edition of the Montgomery MS. "An other ancient family of the Savages is that of Ardkin Castle . . . This family of Arkin hat matched their sons creditably and this I know, that Henry (grandfather to H. Savage now of Ardkin) and his brother Richard were marryed to two sisters, nieces to the first Vicountess Montgomery, and daughters to Thomas Nevin Laird of Monkoddin, near Irwin, in Scotland, and ancient worshipful family’ matches for wedlock (in those former times) being made more for creditable and strengthening allyances than for money."

    Henry Savage was appointed High Sheriff of county Down in 1634. His Will (The Savage Family in Ulster. Armstrong Savage, pp) August 1655, mentions certain properties which he leaves to his "wife Elizabeth Savage" and these children:

    Henry, died unmarried

    John, married Margaret, dau of Thomas Clarke Esq of County Down, granddaughter of Sir Thomas Clarke of the same place.




    Jane, m Lieut Col Hugh Cochrane of Farguslie near Paisley, who served under Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and through the civil war in Ireland (1641-1652) and was brother to William Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald.

    Elizabeth Savage

  7. Geilles Nevin, married Hendrie Kelso
  8. Jean ? nevin married Richard Savage.

THOMAS NEVIN, IV OF MONKREDDING, as appears in this abstract from a Charter "For Thomas Neveine, younger of Monkredding, and his future spouse. Notarial instrument narrating that these compeared personally worthy persons, Thomas Neveine, son and heir-apparent of Thomas Neveine, of Monkredding, for himself, and Alexander Montgomery, of Seven Acres, as attorney and in name of Margaret Blair, daughter of James Blair, Burgess of Ayr, future spouse of the said Thomas, upon the ground of these two merk lands of old extent of Guislon, ten shilling lands of old extent of Gaitmurland, and 16/8 d lands of old extent of Bannocht; also upon the ground of these 40 shilling lands of old extent of Monkredding, Easter and Wester, and ten shilling lands of Corshill, Kilwynning, all lying within the parish and regality of Kilwynning, bailiery of Cuningyhame, and sheriffdom of Ayr, and belonging heritably to the aforesaid Thomas Neveine, of Monkredding, father of the said Thomas; and there the aforesaid Thomas Neveine younger, and the said Alexander Montgomery, having and holding in their hands a certain charter containing init a precept of seizin, granted by the said Thomas Neveine, father of the said Thomas younger, heritable feufermer of the same, to the aforesaid Thomas and his future spouse, and for heritable seizin to be given to these and the survivor of these in conjunct fee, and to the heirs male lawfully to be procreated between them, which failing, to the heirs male and assignees of the said Thomas whatsoever, of all and whole the aforesaid two merk lands of Guislon, [??] shilling lands of Gaitmuirland, 16 s and 8 d lands of Bannocht, for the principal; and in special warrandice and security of the said lands (because that Jean Shaw spouse of the said Thomas elder, is infeft in the said lands in life rent) to the said Margaret Blair, in life rent, of all and whole the aforesaid lands of Monkredding Easter and Wester, with the manor-place, houses, biggings, yards, orchards, woods, parks &c . . . the charter containing which bears to have been written by the hand of said Thomas Neveine younger, and is dated at Irvine 29 October 1619, before these witnesses, William Cauldwell of Annanhill, Robert Broun, notary public, William Wallace younger of Sewaltoun, and Mr. Hew Neveine, son of the granter. . . . These things were done on the grounds of the several lands respectively, singly and successively, between the ninth and tenth hours before noon of 30 October 1619, the witnesses being, at Guislon, Hew Neveine elder there, Hew his son, and Robert Fleming in Monkredding; at Gaitmuirland and Bannocht and Monkredding, Easter and Wester, the same witnesses, along with Mr. Gavin Hmailton of Ardoch; and at Corshill, Joseph Drummond in Kilwynning, Hew Templetoun in Corshill, and Matthew Templetoun his son. signe by R. Broun, who attests that the document was written by William Barclay, his servant."

The Testament of John Montgomery who died 1640, mentions Thomas Nevin, thus:

"Item there was owing to the defunct at the time forsaid the sums of money following byiz . . . Item Be Monkridding younger, saxtein pund for byrun rents of 200 merks . . . Be Hew Nevin in Guilson £7 – 12 – 4 Mair be him is £11 – 6 – 8.

Item the definct was owing money to . . . Geillis Nevin relict of umquhile Mr. Alexander Wreittoune in Kilwynning 540 merks to be paid at Martinmas next.

As Like ways mak and constitute the said Johne Montgomerie my eldest sone, Hew Lockhart of Bankheid, Thomas Nevin younger of Monkredding, Tutors Testamentars to the said twas young children. . .

I nominate ane nobil lord, Hew Lord Montgomerie, Master of Eglintoune, Neil Montgomerie of Langshaw, Robert Fergushill of that Ilk, Thomas Nevin elder of Monkredding, Mr. William Castleand minister at Stewartroune and Hew Nevin portioner of Auchinnaird, to be overseers that the said executors and Tutors do their duty. . . . Befoir these Witnesses, Robert Fergushill of that Ilk, Thomas Nevin elder of Monkredding, Thomas Nevin younger his sone . . . et als. Confirmed at Glasgow 3 August 1641."

Margaret Blair’s mother was Margaret Sinclair, whose Will reads in part;

"The Testament &c . . . of umquhile Margaret Sinclare, sometyme spouse to James Blair, merchand burgess of ---- who died February 1602. Given up by the said James Blair her spoulse as father and lawful administrator to Jonet and Margaret Blairs, her lawful children . . .Confirmed 21 December 1601."

Thomas Nevin and Margaret Blair had issue

  1. Thomas Nevin, who succeeded
  2. John Nevin of Gooseloan ?

The Hew Nevin mentioned in the letter below, judging from the date, was probably a son of Thomas Nevin and Margaret Blair.

"My deirest hart – I had your last yester night as I was going to bed, from me Ledy Twedallis man; bot this other of myne was wrettin yesterday to have com away with Hew Neiwin; bot I senf this to you so soune as I hard them this morning, to bring you the gud and happie newis of the King’s agreiment withour commissioners . . .

Edinburgh 8 May 1650. Mrgireitt Scott"


As appears from this Charter at Edinburgh 16 August 1662, granting to Thomas Newing eldest son of Thomas Newing of Monkredding, his heirs male and assignees whomsoever – the 2 merklands of old extent of Goustone, the 10/- lands of old extent of Gatemuirland, the 16/8 lands of old extent of Bannoch, the 20/- lands of old extent of Easter Monkredding, the 20/- lands of old extent of Wester Monkredding and the 10/- land of Corshill, with the Manor place of Monkredding and buildings &c Reserving to the said Thomas Newing of Monkredding and Margaret Blair his wife or the survivor the liferent respectively of that part of the said 2 merklnads of Goustone, possessed by John Newing, the foresaid 10/- lands of Goatmuirland, and the 16/8 lands of Bannoch; which lands formerly belonged to the said Thomas Newing held immediately of the King, by reason of free resignation of all the Church lands to Charles I. and by him and Margaret Blair, his wife were resigned at Edinburgh for new infeftment in favor of the said Thomas Newing, junior and his heirs male and assignees whomsoever; - Rendering &c . . . Winesses names not engrossed."

According to Nesbet’s Heraldry, Vol. II, "Thomas Nivin of Monkerden" married Helen, daughter of Archibald Edmonston of Dutreath (died 1637) and his wife Jean, daughter of Archibald Hamilton of Halcraig. Helen Edmonston was ninth in direct descent from Sir William Edmonston (d 1462) of Culloden and Duntreath, the direct and immediate ancestor of the family of the Edmonstons of the House of Duntreath. Sir William married Lady Mary, daughter of Robert III, and widow of George, Earl of Angus. With this lady James II (her nephew) gave, by his charter under the Great Seal, the lands of Duntreath. Knighthood was conferred upon Sir William by James I.

Thomas Nevin and Helen Edmonston had issue so far as known:

    1. Thomas, who succeeded.
    2. William Nevin

THOMAS NEVIN, VI OF MONKREDDING, as appears from a special retour of Thomas Nevin of Monkredding, as heir to his father Thomas, 20 April 1680. And 17 August 1680 from this Sasine on Precept from Chancery in favour of Thomas Nevine, now of Monkredding son of umquhile Thomas Nevine of Monkridding, of all and whole . . . &c the lands of Gooslone, Gaitmuirland, Bannoch, Eister and Wester Monkridding, and Corshill, "with manner place of Monkridding, with houses, coals, coalheught &c, also the 40/- land of Hallerhill of Lytllstoun, with houses &c . . . and the 16/8 land of old extent of Colcraig, with houses &c . . . " . . . Dated in Edinburgh 1 July 1680. Sasine 17 July 1680. Witnesses, John Nevine in Gooslone and John Nevine there his sone.

Thomas Nevin apparently died without issue before 1693, and was succeeded by his brother.

WILLIAM NEVIN, VII OF MONKREDDING as appears in this: 23 March 1693, Sasine on Precept from Chancery in favour of William Nevine now of Monkredding, as heir to and brother german of umquhile Thomas Nevine of Monkridding in 2 merkland of old extent of Guislone, 10/- lands of old extent of Gaitmuirland, 16/8 land of old extent of Bannock, 20/- lands of old extent of Eister and Wester Monkreddings, 10/- land of Corshill with manner place of Monkredding, with houese &c, coal and coalherughs &c, also the 40/- land of old extent of Hallerhill and Lyllestoun, with houses &c, with teinds parsonage and vicarage, 16/8 land of old extent of Golldraig, with houses &c, with the teinds parsonage and vicarage, all lying in the parish and regality of Kilwinning, bailliary of Cunningham and shire of Ayr. With security of £14 – 6/- scots, 42 capons, 42 hens, of feu farm and augmentation of the foresaid lands of Guislon and Bannock, in the hands of the King, owing to no Sasine having been granted thereupon for 6 years &c . . . Edinburgh 14 February 1693. Sasine on 22 March 1693.

In 1698 William Nevin alienated the lands of Monkredding to Hugh Cunninghame of Clonbeith in whose family they still remain. The following is concerned with this change of ownership: 30 July 1714 Sasine on Disposition by William Nivine of Munkridding to Hugh Cuninghame of Clonbeith W.S. his heirs &c, of the 2 merklands of Gousloan, 10/- land of Getmureheid, 16/8 land of Bannock, 20/ land of East Munkridding, 20/- land of West Monkriding, 10/- land of Corselaw, with the manor place of Munkridding, lying in the parish and Regality of Kilwinning bailiary of Cuninghame and shire of Ayr; 40/ land of Hullerhill and Lylestone with coals, coalheugh &c, 16/8- land of Goallcraig lying as above – Which Disposition Mr. David Cuninghame of Milncraig advocate, Mr. Robert Alexander one of the principal clerks of Session, James Hay, writer in Irvine; Hugh Brown, writer in Edinburgh and James Cuninghame servant to said Hugh Cuninghame Sasine 15 July 1714 Witnesses, George Dallas of Parkly John Mornes merchant in Kilwinning, William Kilpatrick in Gooseloan and Archibald Lamont in Monkridding.

Disposition by William niven of Monkreding to Hugh Cuninghame of Clonkeith W.S. Whereby for £13,881 – 8/1d scots the said William sells to said Hugh the lands above mentioned and toinfeft him therein by 2 manners of holding (1) of him and his heirs in free blench for yearly payment of one penny scots if asked – and the other from the granter of his lawful superiouse in like manner as he held the same – Also assigning to said Hugh the seat and seat room pertaining to said William in the Kirk of Kilwinning. date and witnesses ut supra.

9 April 1697 Assignation by William Nivine of Monkridding only sone and heir to umquhile Thomas Nivine of Monkridding to Sir Robert Dickson of Sornbegg Knight Baronet his assignee in and to the sum of 4000 merks contained in a Bond granted by the deceased Archibald Edinistone of Duntreath, to the said umquhile Thomas Nivine 9 January 1669 Dated Utrecht 2 January 1696 Witnesses, John Erskine and Alexander Edmonstone students in Utrecht.

Thus William Nevin was the last of Monkredding, what became of him after alienating the estate I have been unable to discover.

HUGH NEVIN son of Thomas Nevin, III of Monkredding, and Jean Shaw his wife is mentioned in a Charter 12 July 1620, "the witnesses there present being Ninian Neveine of Darnboig, Mr. Hew Neveine, son of Thomas Neveine of Monkredding . . ." Also 29 October 1619, a Charter 55 "for Thomas Neveine younger of Monkredding" among the witnesses "Mr. Hew Neviene, son of the granter."

The Will of Thomas Nevin of Monkredding, Dublin Record Office (now destroyed) written in Scotland 22 January 1651, probated 1655, mentions his lands in Ireland and his son "Mr. hew in Ireland." Hugh Nevin was appointed by royal presentation, 1 December 1634, to the Vicarage of Donaghadee and Ballywalter. He attended the funeral of Sir Hugh Montgomery in September 1636, his order in the procession being "9th – In the next place went the Divines, neither Doctors nor Dignitaries viz . . . Mr. Hugh Nevin."

He is mentioned in Adair’s narrative, page 96, "Amongst those who had been most conspicuous in their ‘conformity and defection’ and who afterwards ‘owned their sinful defection in those places where they had been particularly scandalous’ as Mr. Hugh Nevin of Ballywater."

The Will of Hugh Nevin is dated at the beginning, "12 October 1652" and at the end, "2 November 1652." It was lost in the burning of the Dublin Record Office 1922, The date of Probate 1659. He mentions "his spouse Margaret" but not her family name. He appoints his brother (in-law) Thos Maly to be an overseer and also names as overseers and assistants of his family, his "beloved friends and kinsmen, Sir Robert Adair, Mr. Hendrie Savage (husband of is sister Elizabeth Nevin) Mr. William Schaw of Newtowne, and Capitaine William Howstone, and Captaine James McGill, and I hope the Right Honourable, the Lord of Ards will give his assistance. I shall likewise desire my good friends, Hugh Montgomery of Granguch (Gransheogh), John Montgomery of Bally Rolly, Matthew Haslett, and Robert Caldwell to be assisting the above named overseers." John Montgomery and Matthew Haslett are witnesses.

Hugh Nevin and his wife Margaret ---- had issue:

  1. Thomas Nevin
  2. Robert Nevin, married Jane Boyd, of whom later
  3. William
  4. Archibald
  5. a daughter, name unkown
  6. Elizabeth

2.Robert Nevin , married Jane, daughter of David Boyd of Glastry, and a son Thomas, born 1686, and a daughter Margaret. The son Thomas became the Rev. Thomas Nevin, M.A. Minister of Downpatrick, ordained 20 Nov 1711. He died 1744 (March) having married his cousin, Margaret Boyd, oldest daughter of Thomas Boyd of Glastry. She died 1767. A copy of her Will is in the possession of Miss Steele-Nicholson, Leeds England.

Thomas Nevin was succeeded by his son William as Minister of Downpatrick in 1746. William died 13 November 1784 (Will destroyed in Dublin fire) and was succeeded by his second son, also William, as Minister of Downpatrick.

A descendant of this family, David Nevin, came to Philadephia, where 12 December 1798, he married Catherine Gailey.

A full account of th trial of Rev. Thomas Nevin for Arianism, and a record of his descendants in America is in the possession of Miss M.R. Detrich of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.