Archibald Dean MacGillivray's
Trip to South Dakota
My grandfather had written the following few words in a journal he kept
while on a trip to Madison, South Dakota in 1966.
He had tried to trace and record members of the family tree before his passing
in 1967. Some names may be mispelled/incorrect due to the ledgibility of his writing. I hope by printing this, other family members or friends will recognize
some of the names and will get in touch.
Tuesday, July 5, 1966 -
Came south to Madison via Jack Rabbit Lines.
Registered at Park Hotel. Called around at Tina and Ada's. Mrs. Allie(Daisy)
MacGillivray and daughter Mrs. Palue (Mildred) and daughter Mabel. Tina is a
daughter of dad's Uncle Duncan and Ada is her sister-in-law, Malkie's widow.
We drove out to Graceland Cemetary, which I trust is
the most beautiful cemetary I have ever seen. Richly treed with big cottonwoods -
it is like a park. Visited the graves of grandfather, grandmother, Aunt Maggie,
and my sister Ruth, who died when I was an infant. Also, the last resting place
of Uncle Murdoch & Aunt Della, Malcome and Tinie, Duncan & Mabel, Norman & Mae.
Mildred Palue drove us out.
Wednesday, July 6, 1966 -
Mildred Palue drove Tina and Ada, her mother Daisy
and her sister Mable out to the old farm. It is a fine looking district. Our old
house is still standing and so is the barn. A new well was drilled within 50'
of a well we drilled with no success. When we returned we met Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Hammer. Mrs. Hammer was a daughter of Aunt Sarah.
In the afternoon, Jess MacKay (Hazel's husband)
drove us out to see Mimmie MacDonald - Malcolm's daughter. Then on to see
Don MacGillivray's widow "Stum". In the evening a gang gathered names listed
in the back pages of the book. I am staying with Tina and Ada...hospitality
Thursday, July 7, 1966 -
Jessie MacKay drove us up to Winifred, South Dakota
for John Chapin's funeral. The Chapin's are first cousins of mine. Murt(84),
Wayne, Grace, Lois. Murdoch J. and his wife Grace were down from Clark, South
Dakota. Sheriff Norman MacGillivray drove us home. We called in to see Glen
MacGillivray who runs a Texaco station at Junius. After the funeral
there was a gathering of friends at the church where refreshments were served.
Norman & Ellen came over for the evening.
Friday, July 8, 1966 -
Ada, Tina and I had breakfast at Norman's (who lives
on the top floor of the Courthouse. MaryEllen, their daughter is a fine girl.
(Half Norweigen and half Scotch). Left on the bus Jack Rabbit Lines for
Mineapolis, Minn. via Lone Tree, S.D. and Watertown, S.D.
Friday, July 9, 1966 -
Left Detroit for Toronto. End
The Family of John MacGillivray and Mary MacGillivray
The Family of Allan MacGillivray
The Family of Duncan (the Blacksmith) MacGillivray
First Mayor of Ponoka - Biography
The MacGillivray Clan Crests and Badges
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