Ponoka's First Mayor - John Derroch MacGillivray
As written by his daughter Della Freebury

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J.D. MacGillivray Sr. was a native of Glengarry County of Ontario where he was born on April 23rd, 1861 of Scottish ancestry. After, a rigorous upbringing in the logging industry in Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Thirteen years later in 1893, J.D. returned to his hometown of Kirkhill in Ontario to marry the girl he loved.

H e and his bride went to the World's Fair at Chicago for their honeymoon, before settling down in South Dakota, where they lived for 8 years. During that time four of their family were born - Archie, Ruthven, Mary and Ruth who died at an early age.

In 1901, J.D. and Maggie and their three children moved to Western Canada to settle in the little town of Ponoka. J.D. built and operated a feed and furniture store and undertaking business on Railway St. In 1904, he became the first mayor of this thriving frontier town. His business went well until early on a Sunday morning in March 1905, the most destructive fire in Ponoka's early history destroyed the store buildings. However, true to the spirit of those early pioneers, he overcame the disappointment of this tragedy and turned to the real estate business. While he was mayor of Ponoka, he attending the Golden Spike Ceremony celebrating the completion of the Canadian Northern Railway in Edmonton. Three more children - Della, J.D. and Jessie were born in Ponoka while they were there.

In 1911, J.D. moved to Edmonton to stay only a short time. Murdock, his eighth child was born in Edmonton. Then came the decision to moved to then lush prairie lands South Eastern Alberta to a new settlement, New Brigdon, Alberta. There, although the prospects seemed good, and the hopes were high, the dry years came more often than those of sufficient rain. After 22 years of struggling against these odds, J.D. and Maggie again pulled up stakes and moved to Fawcett, Alberta, north of Edmonton. By this time of course, some of the older sons and daughters had left to take up their own way in life. Two more children Nellie and Malcolm had come on the scene during the years at New Brigdon.

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J.D.with H.H. Roberts
Maggie passed away in 1954 in the Westlock hospital. Later that same year, J.D. took part, as the first mayor of Ponoka, in it's 50th anniversary. He rode in the parade with mayor H.H. Roberts and was one of the honored speakers. He was then 93 years old.

J.D. lived the closing years of his long life in Fawcett and Edmonton. This hardy pioneer and first mayor of Ponoka lived within a few months of his 102nd birthday, in 1963. When asked to what he owed his longevity, he said: "I never was much for worrying".

Note: J.D. was also partners with another McGillivray in the first furniture store in Stettler at the same time he had started the one in Ponoka. This store is still standing in the original location and is now operating as "Well's Furniture". I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. McGillivray's grandaughter, Alma Milne, some years ago.

Tartan Bar

The Family of John MacGillivray and Mary MacGillivray

The Family of Allan MacGillivray

The Family of Duncan (the Blacksmith) McGillivray

Pages from Archie MacGillivray's Journal

The MacGillivray Clan Crests and Badges

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