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I would like to thank the Heartland Heartbeat
comittee for this lovely award

Hello Welcome to The Chapel of Prayer

Please come on in
and make yourself at home
It is a place to find love & comfort
for those who need it.
But also to find what friends and
neighbors are all about.

May you find peace and love within the
following pages. My life has been
blessed with a wonderful family
and very dear friends.

You are always welcome at
"The Chapel of Prayer"


You allow breakages, so You can rebuild

You allow wounds, so You can heal

You allow me to walk in darkness, 
so that I see Your light

You allow me to be perplexed, 
so I seek Your truth

You allow me to be empty, 
so You can fill me

You allow me to be lonely, 
so I can see what a
 friend You are

You allow me to learn hard things, 
so I can be a gentle teacher

You allow me to be void of feelings, 
so I learn to walk by faith
You allow me to suffer pain, 
so I may be sympathetic to the 
hurts of others.

You take away my future plans, 
to teach me to live one day at a  time

You allow me to see the futility of life, 
so I will see everything is loss compared 
to the excellency of knowing Your Son
 Jesus Christ my Lord.
I put this special poem on here 
for a very special person 
she will know who its far as 
soon as she sees it. ((((HUGS))))

 Author Pastor Al Hughes

Do you or someone you love
have cancer or have had cancer?
If so we have set up a new site
Hopefully it will help you in some way.
It could be links you need or a kind word from someone else who knows how it feels.
If so please check out This page.

Cancer can be terrifing I know.
I have lost my husband and a 29 year
old daughter to it
As well as I have been diagnoised with it twice
But hopefully have became a survivor.

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Co Chair of Heartland Partners in Prayer


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Visit the 'Mothers Supporting Daughters with Breast Cancer' Web Site
Click here to visit this "Must See" site!