Some Land Records of Rowland Families
Updated 2/10/99

Some Land Records of Rowland Families....

Source: CAVALIERS & PIONEERS, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. II 1666-1695,
abstracted by Nell Marion Nugent, (Richmond, VA: Virginia State Library, 1977), p. 343-344.

from Patent Book 8

"MR. JOHN LYDDALL, 2248 acs. New Kent Co., in St. John's Par., 21 Apr. 1690, p. 45. Beg. On S. side of Black Cr., at mouth of the S.Br., about 35 po. Below the new mill; adj. Land now or late, of Mr. Napier &c. 1600 acs. Granted to Capt. Geo. Lyddal, deserted & granted to Mr. John Langston, 11 Mar. 1672/3, but never patterned & deserted; & granted to sd. John Lyall by order, &c; 648 acs. Being waste. Imp. Of 45 pers: Thos. DICKSON,   Simon BURLINGTON,   Jno. HUSSE,   Jno. HARRIS,   Roger NORTON, Richd. LEWIS,   Edwd. HOOKE,   Tho. WELCH,   Wm. GATES,   Mich. TIRPIN,   Geo. WILLIAMS,   Richd. ALMOND,   Joice MATHEWS,   Jno. JONES,   Mary WARDELL,   Danll. LATRE (or Latne),   Tho. CAVE,   James CORAN,   Eliza. SWEETING,   Francis YOUNG,   Jno. VORD,   Mich. TENISON,   Edwd. SKRYME,   Jno. ROWLAND,   Stephen PULLEN,   Robt. OWLES (or Owgles),   Susan OPTON,   Jno. MILKHAM,   Wm. NORTROP,   Tho. STEVENSON,   Henry WOODSTOCK,   Wm. DOVE,   Ja. COLLISON,   Tho. HODSON,   Mary WININGTON,   Wm. WOOD,   Andrew FRANCKLIN,   Ja. ROLE,   Jno. DAWSON,   Mary SHERMAN,   Antho. BODDY,   Ambrose BAMBLET,   Ann FEILD,   Rich. ORGEVER,   Jno. WILLIS."

Source: CAVALIERS & PIONEERS, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. II 1666-1695,
abstracted by Nell Marion Nugent, (Richmond, VA: Virginia State Library, 1977), p. 269.

from Patent Book 7

"MR. JOHN WILLIAMS, 842 A., 2 R., 25 P., Chas. City co; Wesopher Par., on S. side of James Riv., & on N. side of the Blackwater maine Sw., 20 Nov. 1683, p. 331. Beg. at Mr. Daniell Higdon; to Wm. Edmunds, on a br. to the head of the old Towns crossing head of Tanner's Br; to Col. Edwd. Hill; crossing Scotch Br; & Blackwater Path, to Richard Pace, & Trans. of 17 pers.: Richd. HAVER,   Geo. ADAMS,   Geo. ADAMS,   Sarah HITMORE,   Tho. PATTISON,   Antho. BOX,   Jona. ELIZER,   Bartho. SWINBOURNE,   Silvester ARKINS,   Roger FOSSET,   James ROWLAND,   Ann TURNER,   Geo. ARCHER,   Hugh JAMES,   Jon. NOWEL,   Susan MILLS,   Jane LONG."

Source: MAGAZINE OF VIRGINIA GENEALOGY, Vol. 28 #4, Nov. 1990 "Caveated Land Surveys", p. 284-285.

(NOTE: Quoted and typed as written in the article, including any misspellings, etc.)

Sur/d 25 Feb. 1799 for Thomas Rowland, 2100a, Botetourt Co. A packet of paers containing 7 original land grants with signatures of governors.

25 July 1746, Robert Rowline 369a Augusta Co Luney's Mill Cr. waters of the James River, William Gooch

10 July 1767 Thomas Rowland 74a Augusta Co. Luney's Mill Cr. water of James River, Francis Fauquier

1 Aug. 1772 Thomas Rowland 270a Augusta Co. waters of James, Dunmore

1 May 1784 Thomas Rowland 75a Botetourte Co. waters of James, Benj. Harrison

15 May 1784 Thomas Rowland 80a Botetourt Co. waters of James, Benj. Harrison

8 July 1787 Thomas Rowland 200a Botetourt Co. waters of James, Beverley Randolph

26 Apr. 1796 Thomas King [sic] 400a Botetourt Co. waters of James, James Wood

Tr. War. No. 7973 d 17 Nov. 1780a Botebourt issued Wm Baird asgnd to Thomas Rowland

Indenture d. 10 June 1794, 33a Andrew & Elizabeth Henry to Thomas Rowland, waters of James

Indenture d. 11 Feb. 1794, 7 1/2a James & Elizabeth Gillis to Thomas Rowland, waters of James

Indenture d Dec. 1798 3 3/4a John & Catherine Custard to Thomas Rowland

77a caveated by Jno. McConell in the above survey of 2100a {n.d.} Rec'd by High Court of Appeals 5 Feb. 1812. Court determined "It is not proper to include patented lands with entrys in one survey-the within Thomas Rowland hath therefore made out this plat for 77a of his Inclusive Survey of 2100a which bears date 25 Feb. 1799."

compiled by Charles T. Burton, (no page numbers, in alphabetical order).

        A DB11-274 6-21-1763, 244, wtrs. James R. - from Robert Rowland
        B DB2-138 4-10-1775, 244, wtrs. James R. - to Robert Birdwell
        B DB2-459 9-10-1755, 400, head Long Run, Looney Creek - from new grant
        A DB11-731 11-13-1763, 549, Catawba Ck - from Thomas Hadley
        B DB2-459 8-12-1779, 400, (1775 grant) - to James McConnell
        B film by 5-1-1785, 300 - from new grant
        B SR (1821-1833 7-9-1783, 50, Catawba Ck. - from new grant
        A DB15-266 7-25-1746, 369, head, Looney Ck. - from new grant
        A DB11-274 9-10-1755, 244+113, wtrs. James R. - from new grant
        A DB11-270 1763, 113 wtrs. James R. - to William Rowland
        A DB11-274 6-21-1763, 244, west side James R. - to George Rowland
        A DB15-266 1-25-1769, 369, (1746 grant) - to Thomas Rowland
        A DB15-266 1-25-1769, 369, head Looney Ck. - from Robert Rowland
        B FILM by 5-1-1785, 80+75 from new grants
        B DB4-311 4-13-1791, 21 - from Abraham & Moses McConnell
        B DB5-57 2-11-1794, 7 1/2,wtrs, Looney Ck - from James Gillis
        B DB5-87 6-10-1794, 33, wtrs. Looney Ck. - from Andrew Henry
ROWLAND, WILLIAM     (d. 1777)           His Estate taxed on 264 acres
        A DB11-270 6-13-1763, 113, wtrs. James R. - from Robert Rowland
        B SR (1799-1822)-509 8-30-1763, 248, wtrs. James R. - from new grant
        A DB 13-502 4-25-1767, 266, Craigs Ck. - from Matthew Patton
        B DB3-525 & B DB4-4, film by 5-1-1785, 19, wtrs. James R. - from new grant
        B DB3-524/5/6/31 and B DB4-2, 10-29-1787, 248+113+18+93+161 to John Hutchinson

Source: "A General Outline of the Thomas Rowland Lineage in the United States, 1636-present", compiled by Ronald L. Hughes

"The following is a record of Land Patents acquired by Christopher Rowland:

1. Patent 12, p. 274, VA, 17 Aug 1725, Prince George Co., 200 acres on the lower side of Nummisseen Creek beginning in the line of Thomas Ravenscraft, William Hamlin and William Epes.

2. Patent 19, p. 607, 12 March 1739, Prince George Co., 780 acres, on both sides of Kitts Branch of Nummisseen Creek, adjoining Parrum & Bradshaw."

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