Hi, my name is Helene, I am a 37 year old stay at home wife and mother. We have 3 wonderful boys, Todd (age 13) Wes (age 8) and Zak (age 2). I am addicted to Genealogy and do as much as I can in my spare time, as you can probably tell by looking at my Genealogy pages.

My husband Michael and I have been married for 15 years. We are both originally from Long Island New York. We lived in Florida for 14 years before moving to the beautiful mountains of Tennessee. We live on 2 acres in the middle of nowhere and we love it. Michael's family, who lives close by, raise cattle.

Todd, our oldest son..loves the outdoors..he lives for fishing, taking care of the cattle, working in the field with his grandfather and taking care of his chickens. He has been comming to Tennessee for the summers since he was 3 years old. Todd also loves sports and plays on the school's football team. He does pretty good in school and is, well your typical teenager, he has lots of friends, always wanting to go here and there and is always on the phone, but always makes time to take his baby brother outside to play when he gets home from school. Todd is an all around good kid...if I don't say so myself.

Now Wes, our middle son, he is very quiet and soft spoken..and the total opposite of his older brother. He is not to crazy about the farming thing, he would much rather sit inside and watch a movie or play video games. He is not much into sports, but did play on a basball team this past summer and had a great time. Wes does very well in school, and is on the A-B Honor Roll. He is also a Wolf Scout. Wes loves taking care of his baby brother..but isn't too thrilled about sharing a bedroom with him.

Zak, our little one...He is a handful, but the cutest little handful you have ever seen..He is into those terrible two's. He has alittle bit of both of his brothers in him. He has loads of energy!! He loves playing outside, but also loves sitting infront of the tv watching the same movies over and over. His current favorite is The Jungle Book..but that changes about every 2 weeks. He loves Sesame Street, especially Elmo and the Telli Tubbies. He can't wait until his brothers get home from school, Todd and Wes each take turns taking Zak outside to play after school.

The boy's "best buddy" is Mike. They do almost everything together and have alot of fun, whether they are fishing, hunting or even if they are just hangin' out. What's really scarey is that Todd is the spitting image of Mike. If you take a picture of Mike at 13 and put it next to Todd's you wouldn't know who was who.

Aside from my genealogy, and running around like a taxi cab driver driving the kids here and there, I am a volunteer Community Leader for Heartland. I really enjoy helping others with their web pages, and meeting new people. If you have a site in the Yahoo/Geocities Community and you need help, please feel free to ask. You can also visit my HELP PAGES for any questions or problems that you may have.

We just got a new scanner..so I have been scanning photos like crazy. I haven't found the one of Mike and I that I have been looking for, but I will get one of us up here soon. Please feel free to browse around my site, and don't forget to sign my guestbook on my main page, before you leave.

About Chickens...Of Course


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