This is my first born, Jay. Jay is 15 years old and is in 10th grade. I guess you could say that Jay is my most challenging child. I suppose my mother's curse worked when she wished that I had a child just like me, LOL. I know that Jay has so much potential, he just needs to follow the right path, and of course, I will be right there to help kick him along down that path *S*

Jay, (born as Jaime, but shhh!, don't tell, he hates that name) is a basketball fanatic! He loves the Orlando Magic and spends most of his evenings outside playing basketball with his friends. He's a really great player! Jay also loves rap music (anything to drive mom crazy)!

I've learned that raising a teenager, you learn to develop a whole new English language. I've learned words like "Dawg", "True", "Peace Out", "Word", all used in sentences where they absolutely make no sense. I don't remember such words when I was growing up and had a difficult time adapting to these new phrases. Must be the new teenage language. I guess that's what you get when a bunch of kids who wear there pants 3 sizes too big and halfway down their butts have way too much time on their hands.

When Jay grows up, he would like to play professional basketball (and I was hoping for a rocket scientist)! I know that if he sets his mind to it, he can be and accomplish anything! I will always be proud of him and no matter what, he will always be my baby!

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