Progressive Sanctification???
By Mariano Tianco

There is no such thing as "Progressive Sanctification". Let me say it again - "there is no such thing as 'progressive sanctification'"! Progressive sanctification is for Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Witnesses and Mormons. Progressive sanctification is for people who are trying in vain to save themselves. Progressive sanctification is for people who trample the grace of God. Progressive sanctification is for the Pharisees and the hippocrites. Worst of all, progressive sanctification is for people who insult Jesus Christ by trying to complete what Jesus had already finished. Fools!

When you were born again, God made you holy! You were perfectly sanctified by the Almighty and Sovereign God Himself! God did not give you His Spirit to be 10% or even 99% holy. You are 100% holy if you are truly born again and truly a child of God. No born again Christian is holier now than when he or she was first converted. No born again Christian is holier than any other born again Christian. We might bear different amounts of fruit but that doesn't mean one is holier than the other. No born again Christian can produce fruits. If you think you can produce fruits, then you belong to the many religions I mentioned above. Only God can produce fruits!

Let's fall down on our knees and sing praises and thanks to our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, Who by the fullness and completeness of His Cross made us holy and blameless in His sight.

Galatians 3:3 Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?
Ephesians 1:4 For He chose us, in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.


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