Robot of God
By Mariano Tianco

This message is addressed to my fellow born again Christians - my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am not a preacher nor did I go to any bible school. I am not even a writer. But it is with deep conviction that I'm writing this message.

The majority of us believe that we were saved because we made that choice. That is, we made the choice whether to accept or reject Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. And we made the choice of accepting Him. Good. Yes, that's good for us because that makes us feel good. But do we really think we were really capable of accepting Jesus? Before we were born again, we were spiritually dead. So let's not take any credit for our salvation. Let's not give credit to anybody - not to a friend who talked to us one on one. Let's not give credit to this person who handed us tracts and gave us a copy of the bible. Even if there were a million "Billy Grahams" ministering to us, we'll never be saved if God doesn't have us in His plan. Our salvation is all of God's.

Of course the pride in us will say, hey, how about my free will? As I mentioned above, we were spiritually dead before we were saved. A spiritually dead person can not will anything of the spirit because he is spritually dead just as a physically dead person can not will anything of the body because he is physically dead. That's why he's dead, dead, dead!!!

A few of us say we were predestined and it's God's will and not our wills that we were saved. We say that we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the earth and we were saved because of God's grace and it's not of ourselves or anything else so we don't brag about it. Wow! That's right on! Again from somebody who never went to bible school, I say that that is exactly what Paul says. It's not what Paul says but that's what God says.

Now to us who defend and stand fast to the doctrine of Predestination, why is it that when we are given questions like "then do you mean that we are just like robots"?, we become tongue-tied and some of us object to such a question? Why do we object to such a question when every morning our prayer is "Holy Spirit, please take full control of my life today"?

Even if I stand alone (I know I'm not the only one), I'll forever declare that I am a robot - I am a robot of the God of the Universe. As I am writing this, I see a plum tree outside my window. It has a few plums. It doesn't have to do anything and yet it bears fruit. We are more, much more than just trees. We are children of God bought by the blood, the very precious blood of Jesus Christ. Let God work in our lives. Let us be complete robots for Him. If you are truly born again, if you are truly a child of God, you are a robot of God. No born again Christian can run away from that fact. Remember Jonah. If there's anything that I can brag about, I'll brag and shout "I am a robot of Jesus Christ"!. Thank you Lord for charging my batteries every day.

To find out why you are a robot of God, please use the search engine below courtesy of The Bible Gateway.

I know you are saying, where are the scripture passages in this message? They're all below. For a start, please try the word "predestination".

What the Bible Says About...
Starts With (Example: "love" finds Love, Lovefeasts, Lovers.)
Exact (Example: "love" finds Love.)

God's Unconditional Love
Happy is the Man
God Only Helps Those Who Help Themselves
God Does Not Love You
My God is a Sovereign God
Progressive Sanctification???
By No Means!

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