Flag waving
I am proud to be an American
Proud to be an American

On September 11, 2001 a terrible tragedy occurred in America.

Thousands died when several US commercial planes were hijacked and crashed into large buildings full of people who worked there.

In New York the twin towers of the World Trade Center, just as people had arrived for the work day, were destroyed along with two planes which had been hijacked after take off for their California destinations.

In addition to those killed on the planes and in the buildings, hundreds of rescue personnel were lost including fire fighters and police.

There were two more targets which were not hit, however one of those last two of the four planes hijacked, crashed into one of the buildings at the pentagon in Washington, D.C.

The fourth plane crashed into a field in PA after allegedly the American male passengers had voted to try to overtake the hijackers.

Honor Vets
This fantastic symbol of thanks to our veterans is free to all.
It came from a site that requested only that it be displayed proudly.

Tribute to those who've been lost
thank you _.st.O.rm._ for the banner
Red, White and Blue Line
Other pages here:
Declaration of Independence
USA animated candles
America: The Good Neighbor
Special Memorials
My Rage Page

Other sites:
 Tribute to Victims and Families of World Trade Building
 USA Today News
 Hoosier Times
Red, White and Blue Line Red, White and Blue Line

I do not ask for any crown
But that which all may win;
Nor try to conquer any world
Except the one within.
Be thou my guide until I find,
Led by a tender hand,
Thy happy kingdom in myself
And dare to take command.

-Louisa May Alcott, "My Kingdom"

The music is God Bless America from the above site for Patriotic Sounds & Music
The text graphics at the top - I'm proud to be an American and these patriotic candles
are my creation and are free to any who wish to use them for non-profit web pages.
My new USA animated candles

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