Welcome to
Joyce's Fun Place


Give it your best, reach for the stars,
Success doesn't come in a day.
Hard work, perseverance promise reward,
But will come in their own time and way.

Mortals don't know any magical way,
To mysteriously win every time.
But we know by the past what some men attain,
And what some men just never find.

Depend on your strength to carry you through,
Be stubborn, and never give in.
If your goal's to succeed in every thing that you do,
Your greatest desires you'll win.

Try as it may don't let life beat you down,
Deprive you of your dreams to succeed.
Give it your best, stand tall, and stand proud,
In the end you'll have all that you need.

Larry of Larry's Poetry Haven has passed from this world,
This poem was a gift as well as the globes.

Thank you for my welcome gifts

Fantasy Fights Flower
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Fantasy Fights Red Rose Candle
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Fantasy Fights Spirit Angel
Send a Spirit Angel!

Fantasy Fights Spirit Bag
Send a Spirit Bag!

Fantasy Fights Friendship Bear
Send a Friendship Bear!

Fantasy Fights Christmas Bear
Send a Christmas Bear!

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Here is our cheer award for winning 3rd Place in June. Keep up the wonderful job cheering!

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The Background tile, tiny pink flower button, and header text were created by me, to see similar backs and other
graphics suitable for web pages click on Great Graphics on the Go menu or Designs by Joyce