Welcome to
Hubby's Page

Come on in and take a load off

House in the woods

Gold Bar
Games I Play on the Internet
Gold Bar

from Sierra
Monster Truck Madness
Monster Truck Madness
Quake Spy
Quake Servers
Monopoly CD
Westwood Studios

Gold Bar

Me and Ma been married oh...

True Love
25 years now

I still don't keep her waitin.hehehe..
I better go inside now,
but it's been a nice visit and I do hope
Y'all will come again soon.

Drop me a line sometime and
let me know how your doin.
Email Doggie

Gold Bar
This Page is designed and © by me Joyce Porter 1999
Updated Wednesday, February 05, 2003

I hope you'll remember to come visit often,
new things are added almost daily.

To meet more of my family, just click Family below
Gold Bar

Please remember to visit the Love Page before you go
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