My Special Awards
Would you like one of these?
Dedicated to Women on the Web who add Joy to the World Recipients of the Cheer Award
Or these?
These are some new special awards I've just designed.
I only had the Cheer award for the ladies before, but
have recently seen some really great pages by the guys. Recipients of the Lure Award
This one is New, it's for Web Page Excellence in Design
Inspired again!
here is the Excellent for Kids Award
Let me know that you have a site
for Kids or designed by anyone under 18.
This one is for exceptional pages By or For Kids
Here is the site that inspired me to do the Clown Award
These 3 are special surprise awards
This Cool one is for sites I happen upon which I think
are pretty cool but may be unable to determine the gender of the author
Here is the site that inspired me for this one
It's about dogs Wolfie
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