What's Your Hedgehog's Name?

"Pages to Share the Name of Your Hedgehog(s)"

SUBMITTED BY: Melody Bakeeff (01/5/1999)
My 1 yr. old hedgehog's name is Dax. We named her that after the character on Star Trek - Deep Space 9. She is a little being that completes us, so the name seemed appropriate!!

SUBMITTED BY: Sammy Cantafio (01/9/1999)
My hedgehogs name is Sonic, very original, I know. I havn't really got too much else to say about him right now, since I only got him yesterday.

SUBMITTED BY: Amy (01/11/1999)
I just got a hedgehog about 2 weeks ago now. His name is Kujo.

SUBMITTED BY: Jean (01/19/1999)
My hedgies are Pandora, rescue, it fits her... along "Pandora's Box" lines. Jacob,another rescue, named by a previous owner. Daisy, tiny little flower that she is and Willow.

SUBMITTED BY: Mugs Blank (01/31/99)
I have a hedgehog and his name is Sir Hoover the Second. He is named Hoover because he sounded like a vacuum to me and he is the second because it sounded neato.

SUBMITTED BY: Sarah and Rosie (02/15/99)
My hedgie's name is Rosebud Thornton. No specific reason. I just saw the two names seperatly, and instantly thought that that would be a good name :o)
(is that mealies I smell???)

SUBMITTED BY: Steven Lynn Sterling (02/17/99
I recently got two hedgehogs, a chocolate colored hedgie and a white hedgie. Their names are Pork and Bean. "They go together nicely, don't you think?"

SUBMITTED BY: Lori Keller 03/3/99
My hedgies are,Ellery Quill, Spike, (everyone's first hedgehog is either spike or sonic, isn't it...), MacGuyver, (because of his amazing escape talants!), Sweet Lil, and Bennigan. And there are probably more to come. "You can never have too many hedgehogs." :-)

SUBMITTED BY: Lori Keller UPDATED: 11/3/1999
Spike- everyone's first hedgehog seems to be spike or sonic. How original of me.
McGuyver-because he can escape from darn near anything.
Aknot- from the character in 5th element.
Sweet Lil
Tig's Quandary-a cinnacot girl purchased from Tig Means.
Connie-Hog -a name given to her by her original owner.
Have been trying to think of a nice way to rename her..something like 'lard butt'.... hehehehe

SUBMITTED BY: Trisha Wiggin-Fausnaugh of Littleton, CO (03/07/99)
Our family's hedgehog is named Major Reginald Digger. Digger is from his digging ways. Major, because he just seemed so dignified when we first got him. He's evolved into Reggie, now. He's a Reg-hog! Reggies International Hedgehog Registry number is 1418.

SUBMITTED BY: Cindy (03/07/99)
Hi my name is Cindy and my hedgehog's name is Chucky. But he recently got a middle name which is Cartman because he has an attidude problem lately just like the little fellow from South Park. My husband likes to say for Chucky, "I'm not fat I am just big quilled!!"

SUBMITTED BY: Julia (03/07/99)
My adored hedgehog, the late HoJo (1993-1996), was named for the baseball player Howard Johnson, whose nose I thought resembled that of a hedgehog.

SUBMITTED BY: Jacque (03/07/99)
I have a sweet litle girl hedgie named Mattie Maxine. I named her after a book I read called Mattie: The story of a hedgehog by G.D. Griffiths. Her middle name, Maxine, is also my mothers middle name. Since they are both cute and curious I thought they should share the middle name. Mattie is a year and a half old. Our first hedgie died suddenly at 9 months of age. My husband named her Spike until I discovered Spike was a girl and I renamed her Spikealena. It has been 2 years and I still miss her.

SUBMITTED BY: jpjlkm (03/11/99)
My hedgehogs name is Ouch Pin Head!! I knew when I bought him that I would name him Pin Head 'cause it sounded cute but when i picked him up in the pet store his quills pricked me so I said, "Ouch"!! Then I decided that I would call him Ouch and have his middle name Pinhead!! 8)

SUBMITTED BY: Jennifer H. (03/24/99)
My hedgehogs are Hugh, (the Borg hedgie), Sweetpea, (she's a sweetheart), Brillo, (Because it always gets at least a smile,) and Tzarina, (which is Russian for princess).

SUBMITTED BY: Crystal (03/24/99)
I named my hedgehog Pepperann because I got her on Saturday and my favorite cartoon on Saturday mornings is Pepperann. Also because she's a salt and pepper colored hedgehog. She's so cute!

SUBMITTED BY: Teresa (03/24/99)
My hedgie's name is Thyme. His mothers name was Sage, and so he and his sister kept with the herbal theme. (His sister's name is Rosemary) He's such a cutie.....

SUBMITTED BY: Donna Sue (03/24/99)
Chomper, (female), is named after a silly game we made up and played as kids. Chubby, (female), got her name because I got her 2nd and I just thought it sounded great as a companion to Chomper. Chomper does not bite and Chubby is not fat.

SUBMITTED BY: Labluvr68 (04/12/99)
We just got our hedgie yesterday. We thought alot about what to name her and we came up with Riley. Why? I don't know, it just fits her.

SUBMITTED BY: Bonnie in OR 05/07/99
My hedgehogs names are Scooter and Boo. Boo is named after the miniature giant space hamster in "Baldur's Gate." And Scooter, well she loves to run.

SUBMITTED BY: "Unknown" 06/03/99
My hedgehog's name is Flash. I named him this by popular vote at a local school I took it to.

SUBMITTED BY: Hillary, from Seattle, Wa. 06/24/1999
My hedgie's name was Harriet the second, after Harriet the first. I loved my Harriet the First, and after weeks of sorrow from my first hedgie I lost, I got another. And so she was named Harriet the Second. But wait- that is not the end of the story! There is more! I soon then found out that this hedgie was not female after all! And what Male hedgie would want to be named Harriet? (When you find one please let me speak to him. . .) So I was whatching Animal Planet one night, when they were showing a comercial for "The Crocidial Hunter"and it said, "This is no Ozzie and Harriet Down Under" (Refering to Steve Irwin and his wife.) So I said, "Since Harriet is not a girl, maybe I will name him Ozzie!" And so to this day Harriet the Second is now Ozzie the Second. (I once had a cat named Ozzie as a kid. I remember feeding him Cheeto Puffs). Then I got another hedgie named Max, and I named him that becuase I always wanted a dog named Max. Then came Alice. I named her Alice because she has blonde quills, and so does Alice in Wonderland. Then I got Poppy, who's full name is Princess Poppyseed. And I named her that because I love her. And last but not least I got Willow. Who's full name is Sigrid's Curious Willow LooWeez. Her mother was named Sigrid, and she is curious, and I used to call her Willowys, so it turned into Willow LooWeez. But that's it for me and my hedgies! I have exciting names for them!

SUBMITTED BY: Anita McLaury in Round Rock, TX 06/24/1999
When I was little I used to watch a t.v. show that had a hedgehog named Humphrey. I always thought it was cute, so when I finally got a hedgie of my own, I named him Humphrey too.

SUBMITTED BY: DiandraAnn 07/05/99
My hedgehog's name is Zorro, because, just like the character Zorro in the movie, he has a mask, and lots of little swords!!!

SUBMITTED BY: Peter 07/08/1999
Haligan bars are 30-36 inches of drop forged steel and they can rip thru anything to get a person out of a dangerous situation. Haligan ripped thru my heart when I saw her conditions at the store, so the name seemed to fit.
Couscous was named cause she was soft and mellow. Besides she was such a soothing critter she deserved a "different" name.
Emeril flipped over his food dish as soon as he got home and started to make a lot of noise. It might just be the chef in me but I think the real Emeril wouldn't mind.

SUBMITTED BY: Mary and Heather 07/08/1999
We have 3 hogs which we named Baxter, Ruby and Winston. They seemed to suit these names, plus we liked the old-fashioned sound of them.

SUBMITTED BY: Claire (07/09/1999)
Our first is named Rose. My husband named her that because when we got her she was very tiny and delicate like a rose however she would prick like a rose if you weren't careful. Our second, a boy, we named Thorn. We decided to stick with the pattern we had started and it seemed to fit. Our third hedgie we just got and his name is Nettle. We also have a dwarf hamster named Thistle.

SUBMITTED BY: Jean (07/24/1999)
OK, there's Fern, and her name just FITS. She's actually named that 'cause Tig was looking through old fashioned baby books for names for that litter. (Human!)
Then there's Revere. His breeder had marked him with red and blue paint to ID him, and since he's a chocolate chip, he's got a lot of white. When Tig got him, he ran to the door of the carrier and was named immediately!
Celeste is named that because she's an angel. : )
Then there's Eric's (my fiance') piggies. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Hunter and Chyna. All Wrestling names.

SUBMITTED BY: Karen D. Hellmund (08/15/99)
I named my first h-hog Ms. Prickles (obvious reason). I picked her out when she was 3 weeks old from Christi at Hedgehog Mountain.
My second h-hog was a rescue from a pet store in Boulder, Colorado which I smuggled on the plane. She is an albino which I have named Ms. Tiggy Pog. She's my emotionally disturbed h-hog where as Ms. Prickles is such a darling. But I love them both.

SUBMITTED BY: L. Thomas (09/01/99)
My hedgehog's name was Winnie. Originally, it was Winston because the breeder told us she was a little boy. Not knowing hedgie anatomy we never questioned her. Then leafing through a hedgehog pet book in a store I noticed something was missing from our dear pet. Thus Winston became Winnie. Winnie slipped away from us at the tender age of 2. The cause is unkown, but what is known is that for whatever reason she stopped eating. When we realized she was in trouble it was too late. I miss her dearly.

SUBMITTED BY: Katy (10/09/1999)
My hedgehog's name is Dexter. I named him Dexter because I really like the Cartoon "Dexter's Laboratory". Dexter is a Hedgehog genius!!!!!!!! :)

SUBMITTED BY: Scott, Susan and Shaun 10/31/1999
Our hedgehog's names are Sonic, real original, I know, but everybody has to have one; Mac, he's our little buddy; Zoe, our princess; Zeke, who is Zoe's baby brother, so we needed another "Z" name; Tracy Anne, named after our favorite vet; Pepper, because of her color; Aspen, Zoe's daughter, named after one of my favorite places; Zip, Zoe's son, because he moves so fast; Champagne, Zoe's other daughter, because she is such a rich unusual color; Morgan, because we liked the name; and Amy Rose, because she is such a sweet little soul, and nothing is prettier than a rose.
Zoe currently is raising a litter of two more babies, and their names will follow once we see what fits their personalities.
Aspen is due with her first litter any day now.
All of our hedgehogs are either Agouti in color or Apricot Snowflake Papillons.

SUBMITTED BY: Flooral (11/01/1999)
Our hogs are named Miss Dolly Thistleburr and Mr. Sniffle B. Pincushion.

SUBMITTED BY: Cricket Cole (11/06/1999)
Her name was Fluffy and she died tonight. She was so old her teeth were just bumps. I thought my daughter would like to know somebody knew about her. Her name was Fluffy because she wasn't fluffy, physically or personality wise.

SUBMITTED BY: Rick (11/13/99)
We now have four hedgies. Mom and dad are named Hokey and Pokey while the younguns are Peanut and Squirrel. I don't know how old mom and dad are since we bought them from someone who was using them as baby producing machines. We keep them apart except when they are running around on the floor for excersise. After moving from Florida to Nevada it took just one moment of not watching them to give us two more. We are trying to give the babies away, but believe it or not, no one wants them. They say they are ugly!! Guess some people just don't know what the definition of cute is. Now they are three months old and it is getting harder to want to part with them.

SUBMITTED BY: Tom & Kathy Erickson (12/03/1999)
My hedgehog's name is Cooterpie! It's a female. We have had her for two years.

My Hedgies name is Yozhik! It is the Russian word for Hedgehog. I first was introduced to the European hedgehogs in Vsevolozhsk a small village surrounded by the beautiful forests of Russia. The locals would feed them and I loved to see them on their evening journeys. I also have two other named Velcro and Reginald!

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