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Hedgehog Valley

The Hedgie Homepage
Here is another great place to learn more about hedgehogs. And if you like to build there are instructions on building your own hedgehog cage, house or wheel. You will enjoy your visit here.

Brisky Pet Products
You can find both Hedgehog and Chinchilla Food at this web site, along with other exotic pet products and food.

Meet Murray the Hedgehog!
This is one site you'll sure to love! There is so much information here so be sure to plan to stay awhile. Sign up for the Hedgehog Mailing list here too.

The Farrell Family Homepage!
You just have to see this site! It's done very nicely and has a lot to offer. From pet to vet links, to poems, (both animal and non-animal related).
You don't know what to get your hedgehog, farret, bird or pup for their birthday or other special occasion? Well, here is your solution. Check out the Critter Country Store. You'll be glad ya did!

Erin's Galleries
I have to give high praises to this page. This is my daughter's site devoted to computer drawings and sketches. She is a wonderful artist and I owe my graphics on my page to her.

Mark Lowry's Personal Domain!
Ok.. who say's Christians don't have fun? Mark is a Christian comedian and singer. He is a part of the Gaither Vocal Band. If you enjoy having a good time you will want to visit his site. Be sure to sign up for his weekly newsletter. It's great! I look forward to it every week.

Billy Bears Playground!
This is a delightful page full of free games and activities for children to do. Be sure to visit here and get a hedgehog cursor. You can also play with some hedgehogs in the playroom. You will want to visit here often.

It Happens to Us All
This is a fun page of funny, true life stories that happens to all of us. Sit back, relax and have a good time reading through others most embarrasing moments and when you're done you can even submit one of your own.

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This Exotic Pet Webring site owned by JStuffins.

The Hedgehog Wheel

Jackie Sleme is a proud member of The Hedge Wheel

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