Welcome to the Breast Cancer Awareness Webring!! This webring is designed to link pages for Breast Cancer Awareness... including treatment, self exams, mammography and personal stories dealing with this disease. Sites for this ring must be DIRECTLY related to breast cancer!

Sites must be personal stories, breast cancer sites (not just a mention of support of breast cancer or an addition to a page of webrings), NO RETAIL SITES WILL BE ADDED. No groups sites, such as Yahoo or MSN groups will be added, you must have an actual website to place the entire ring on.

If your site meets this criteria Join Us!!

Breast Cancer Awareness Ring Logos

To join the ring you just need to fill out the form below. This form will add you to the queue to be added to the ring. When you are added to the queue you will recieve an e-mail with your Site ID# and Password and the HTML fragment you will need to place on your page to join the ring. When you have placed the ring on your page you will need to e-mail the ringmaster to be added to the ring. If you have any trouble with the fragment please e-mail the ringmaster.

Submit a site to Breast Cancer Awareness Webring Net Ring
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EMail Address:
Year of Birth:
(ie: 1999)
By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data.
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If you need to update your ring information, please use the form below.

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[Family Photos] [Parenting] [Recipes] [Hobbies] [Montana] [Kids] [Win My Award!] [Awards I Have Won] [Breast Cancer Awareness] [Crochet] [Cross Stitch] [Domestic Violence] [Science Experiments For Kids] [Star Trek]

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