The following quotes
are actual things
that my 3 children have said while growing up.
Don't kids say the darndest things?
On Generosity.....
Ryan and Emily had gotten ice
cream treats from the ice cream man at Grandma and Pop-Pop's house. After
finishing all of his ice cream, Ryan went over by Emily who still had half
left and announced, "Now I'm gonna share!"
On Maintaining a Healthy Diet.....
“Mom, you won’t believe
this ... listen to this," Ryan recapped one Sunday night. "Friday
was Emily’s birthday party and we had pizza. Saturday was the soccer party
-- pizza. Saturday night was James’ birthday party -- pizza! Then tonight
Aaron’s mom took us out to eat - PIZZA!”
"Are you sick of pizza now?" I asked.
"No, I love it. I’m used to it now."
On Personality Flaws.....
After nagging him to clean
up his toys, I got scolded by Ryan.
"Mom, don't be such an attitude!"
On Fantasy.....
Out of the blue, Emily came
up with this pronouncement in the car:
"Oh, I get it, Mom! Dreams come from your brain!"
When I asked her where she'd learned that, she answered, "Oh,
I just figured it out because I'm smart."
On Healing.....
Jaime was crying after bumping
her front tooth. Ryan went up to her and said, "Do you want to
put a bandaid on your tooth?"
On Silence.....
Dad was carrying Ryan upstairs
to bed. He told Ryan that he should be really quiet so he didn't wake
up Emily. After holding his breath for a moment, Ryan whispered, "But
Dad, I gotta breathe cuz that's the way you live!"
On Agriculture.....
Ryan and Emily had just gotten
out of the bath. I combed Emily's hair back with a wide-toothed comb, making
rows. Ryan noticed and commented, "Ooooh, that looks like a good
On Erosion.....
On an extremely foggy day,
I noticed that I couldn't even see the park just beyond our backyard. Calling
Emily to the window, I said, "Look! It's so foggy you can't even
see the park!"
Emily's lower lip went out, and she got tears in her eyes as she
answered, "But Mom ... I don't want them to take away my park!"
On Phases of Life.....
"Mom, when I grow up
will I be your mom?"
On Ecology.....
Ryan was sitting on the edge
of the sink. Just for fun he had his bare feet in warm, soapy water. He
spotted a dirty glass on the counter and decided to wash it. When it was
all clean, he said, "Look how clean! No dust, no mud, no pollution,
no anything!"
On Geography.....
After Grandma and Grandpa's
trip to Hong Kong, Ryan, Emily and I picked them up from the airport. We
spent some time at their home afterwards, visiting and hearing about their
At one point, Ryan asked, "Grandma,
did you see Hong Kong?"
"Yes, that's where we were," Grandma replied.
"Oh, he's a really big gorilla!"
"I think you mean King Kong, honey," Grandma realized
On Flotation.....
"If you dig a hole
in an island, will it sink?"
On Common Courtesy.....
While taking a walk in the
woods with Alec (3), I was entertained by watching his thrill over finding
fallen trees. Each time he spotted one, he would remark in absolute wonder,
"OOOOohhh there's another one!"
At one point we came across a smaller tree that had fallen right
over the path. It had broken in the middle, leaving a small opening through
which you could continue walking right on the path. "We don't have
to climb over this one, Mom," Alec commented. Then, as an afterthought,
he turned back, looked at the tree, and yelled, "Thanks, tree,
for cracking up for us!"
On Emotion.....
On the Ferris Wheel, Alec (3)
must have gotten butterflies. Just as we finished rounding the top, he
put his hand on his tummy and commented with a smile, "Mom, my
feelings hurt."
On Time..... Grandma stopped
by and noticed a new piece of furniture. "Oh, your new table is
beautiful," she commented to Alec (4). "When did your
mom get that?"
On Blame..... "When somebody drops a cup, it's the cup's fault, right?"
Amusing Anecdotes sent
in by web surfers.
Thanks a bunch!
On Communication.....
It was the last day of Sunday
School for the year, and my 17 year old daughter was helping with the preschoolers.
One little guy, Spencer, had just finished eating his chocolate cake. Noticing
that he had done a great job of covering his face with it, she asked him
to wipe his mouth off. Spencer looked at her with big round eyes and said,
"Not my mouth, I use it to talk!" -Royal
On Playing...
When my son was four, he and
I were walking through the park. Suddenly, he stopped and pulled out an
imaginary gun. "Bang, bang, bang!" he shouted. After a
short while, he quit shooting and dug deep into his pockets. Then he started
fumbling with his "gun." I marveled that--at his tender age--he
understood the concept of ammunition.
"Putting in bullets?" I asked.
"Nope," he replied, not missing a beat. "Batteries."
in Redmond
On Eating...
When my son was six, I served
him a cold pasta salad for dinner. He took one bite, then chewed very slowly.
He turned to me, a bit confused, and said, "Mom...did you forget
to cook this?" -Deb
in Redmond
On Learning...
Devis was learning the state
names in Kindergarten. One night, Dad and Devis were watching a spy program
on T.V. Devis turned to his Dad and asked, "Dad, is this show
'Michigan Impossible'?" -Deb
in Redmond
On Getting Lost.....
family, one weekend, was hiking in a nature park near our home. Our son,
Andrew, who was 7 at the time, when asked which way we should go announced,
"I know where we are, I've been here before, and we're LOST!"
-Lani in Charlottesville
On Skincare...
my grandniece, Ashley, holding a conch shell up to hear ear: "Oh!
I can hear the lotion!" -scbrabeck
On Digestion...
my daughter, from inside the car, watching the other vehicles whiz by:
"Oh Mom! There goes a hiccup truck!"
On Equal Opportunity...
I was giving my daughter a quarter for
something that she had done and she looked at the quarter and said, "Daddy,
that's not enough, I need some for both pockets!" -John
On Manners...
my daughter, Heather, was about 4 she asked me to pass her something at
the dinner table. She hadn't said please so I asked her, "What's
the magic word?"
She thought for a moment and then replied, "Abracadabra???"
On Surprises...
mom had been getting on my little sisters about not picking up their clothes.
I was sitting in my room, and heard my mom say, "Who left all this
underwear all over the floor?"
As innocently as an angel, my sister Anne replied, "The
Panty Fairy came and left us presents!"
-Katherine Danley
On Parentage...
mom told me this story about my older brother. Mike had been asking her
what adoption was, and my mom explained the whole concept. Later that day,
my mom was talking to one of her friends about Mike (who was standing right
there) and said, "He's such a good kid. He's so adaptable."
At which point Mike broke into tears, "I don't want to
be adapted! I want to live with you!" -Katherine
On Cats...
my son was about five years old our cat went into heat. She was grumpy
and he asked what was wrong with her. I told him "She's in heat."
He managed to pick her up and replied, "She is not Mom -
she's cold." -Cindy
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3 |
4 (updated 9/29/98) |
If I had my child to raise all over again, I would care to know less and know to
care more. I'd do more hugging and less tugging |
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