Amusing Anecdotes from a Mother's Journal
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Don't kids say the darndest things?

On Autumn.....
     Jonathan, age 3, was observing the autumn leaves as they changed color, fell from the tree and were carried off by the wind. He said, "The leaves are running away." -Debra Carmona

On Humor.....
     Jonathan, age 4, was standing by the open window as the wind flapped the curtains. He said, "The curtains are laughing at me." -Debra Carmona

On Long Fingernails.....
     When Jacob was about 5 we were visiting a pet store. I saw him standing directly in front of a lady wearing a long overcoat. He was staring at her in such a way that worried me. Did the lady not have decent clothes under her coat? I couldn't tell from where I stood so I came close to see what had captured my son's attention. As I approached Jacob exclaimed with his usual overemphasis, "That lady has thorns!" He was looking at her long fingernails. Both she and her husband burst into laughter. -Debra Carmona

On Makeup.....
     Four year old Jared observed that I never go anywhere without putting on my makeup. Full of anticipation upon his going to the store with me, he thought he would hurry me along in getting ready to go. He said, "I'll get out your painting stuff." -Debra Carmona

On Nostalgia.....
     My husband was reminiscing about some of his favorite TV shows, as a kid in the 70's. Matthew, our 8 year old, remarked, "Gosh, Dad, all you had on TV was Nick-at-Night!" -Dorothy

On Home Improvement.....
     Just this weekend, with so many errands to run, my two year old and I ran to the grocery store while my husband and five year old went to the hardware store to buy paint.  On their return, my five year old ran through the door announcing, "Mom, we're back from the Hardwork store." -Lejax99

On Ailments.....
     My four year old nephew, not knowing how to explain having a headache complained, "Mommy I have a belly ache in my head." -Leigh - Ohio

On School.....
     Before we enrolled my daughter in kindergarten, my husband and I had discussed the merits of public versus private education. I guess my daughter was listening. When I took her in for her physical to start kindergarten, the nurse asked her what school she would be going to (meaning the name) and she replied "Public." -kj

On the Months of the Year.....
     My grandson, Zachary, who was 5 at the time, came running to me to recite the months of the year he had just learned. "January, February, March, April, James, June, July,..." etc. His favorite Aunt and Uncle are named James and June and he was very excited to find out they both are months of the year. -Alice

On the Importance of Being Careful.....
     While baby-sitting for my son Nicholas (3 1/2 years old), my mother-in-law caught him trying to climb the railing in front of our house. She told him to get down or he might lose his balance and land on his head. To this he said, "Don't worry, my daddy says I have a hard head." -Antoinette

On Possession.....NEW!
     My 3 year old, Alexandra, and her Dad found a marble. He said, "Look, Alexandra, a Marble."
     "No, Dad, that's my ball," she replied.
     Dad explained, "No, honey, its a mar - ble."
     She said very loudly, "No! It's Mine!" That was the end of that! -Elizabeth

On Pronunciation....NEW!
     When my son, Tyler, was in a summer camp program at a nearby park, he asked me for some money for the "concussion stand."
     He also informed me recently (he's 11 now) that lots of people who saw Saving Pvt. Ryan need to be "canceled. By professional cancelers." He has always had trouble with "counseled" and "canceled." A friend who didn't know that, thought he was saying that all the people who saw that movie were being killed. Hard to believe he's gifted ain't it? -Rave Witch

On Celebration.....NEW!
When my son was about 17 months old, he had known how to give someone "five" by hitting their hand for quite some time. One day, I pulled up to a red light and was not paying any attention to him in the back of the van as he was talking about everything we passed. I heard him slap the window really hard with his palm and say "FIVE!!!" loudly. When I looked out to see what he was referring to, it was a crosswalk sign with a red lighted hand telling pedestrians "don't walk." I laughed about this for days! -HeatherBee

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