Body Parts and Related Words
ad'íshka..... short breath... \source: R
az'ík.....tongue...\variant: yaz'ík\source: R
bal'és.....sickness...\source: Rmf\plural bal'éz'i\comment: Syn: bol'
baradá.....beard...\source: R
baradáfka..... wart...\source: R
bashká.....skull...\source: Rmm
bol'.....sickness...\source: Rmm\example: kakóy u was bol'? `what sickness do you have?`\bal'ít `it ails`\comment: Syn: bal'és
brof.....brow...\source: R, E (?)\plural: bráw'i, brów'i
br'úha.....belly, stomach...\source: R
chihótka.....tuberculosis...\source: R19
d'ósna.....jaw/jawbone...\variant: jósna [with English-like j-sound]\source: Rmm\plural: d'ósn'i
galashtán.....naked person...\source: RD\example: galashtán béyb'ichka pr'ishól
galawá.....head...\variant: halawá\source: R\derivative: na hólawu `on the head`\example: ya t'ibé gólawu slamú 'I will beat you up'; galófka diminutive head)
glas.....eye...\source: R\plural: glazá
gluhóy.....deaf (person)...\source: R
gnoy.....pus (matter produced by an infection)...\source: R
grut'.....chest...\source: R
gubá.....lip...\source: R\plural: gúbi
gólas.....voice...\source: R\plural: gólas'i
gólat.....hunger...\source: R
gólay.....bald (person)\source: Rmm
hólka.....lower back\source: Rmm
kal'énka.....knee; ankle...\source: R
káshil'......coughing...\source: R
kazl'áchik.....navel, belly button...
k'ishók.....gut...\variant: k'ishká\source: Rmf\plural: k'ishk'í, kisí (?)
\deriv: mál'inkoy ~ `small intestines`; bal'shóy ~ `large intestines`
\example: mál'in'k'oy kishók `short tempered`
k'ist'.....hand...\source: R
kost'.....bone...\variant: kos'\source: R\plural: kós't'a, kós't'i
krof.....blood...\variant: kr'of\source: R
kósa.....braid...\source: Rmf\plural: kós'i
kó\source: R
ladón'......hand palm...\source R
l'apka.....lap...\source: R
l'isó.....face... \variant: l'isó \source: R
lop.....forehead...\source: R\example: on t'ibé w lop l'ápnul // zw'izdanúl `he "hit" you forehead`
l'óhk'i.....lungs...\source: R
lókat'.....elbow...\source: R
l'áshka.....thigh...\plural: l'áshk'i\comment: some people say this word meaning `calf`, still others `leg`
makú of the head, top of the hill...\source: R\deriv: na makúshk'i
mastalíga...... shank bone with marrow inside; thigh...\variant: mastal'íga
\source L?\comment: different people attribute different meaning to this word. Common meaning is used for describing a certain type of moose bone soup made with the knuckle and or shank bone.
mazg'í.....brain...\source: R
mosk......marrow...\source: Rmm\comment: A favored delicacy when boiled and removed from the shank bone and spread on bread while warm.
mórda..... face (rude about a person)...source: R
nagá.....leg, foot...\source: R\plural: nóg'i\comment: some say this word means only `foot and others say it means foot, leg
n'erf.....nerve...\source: R\plural: n'érw'i
nos.....nose...\source: R\plural: nas'í\example: garbátay ~ `hooked nose`
nógat'.....fingernail...\variant: nókat'\source: R\plural: nókt'i
nórk'i.....nostrils...\source: Rmm\singular: nórk'a
núshk'i.....breasts...\source: L\singular: núshk'a
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