RubyRed's Awards
Thank you to the fine folks who have honored my page by bestowing the awards below. I encourage you, my friends and visitors, to take time to check out the excellant sites these awards link back to.
Awarded September 10, 1997
Awarded September 10, 1997
Awarded September 11, 1997
Awarded September 12, 1997
Awarded September 12, 1997
Awarded September 19, 1997
This award is very special to me
as it was given to me by my dear friends
Dee and John Leahy.
Awarded September 22, 1997
Awarded September 29, 1997
Check out the awards
RubyRed's Parlor has won
awarded July 1997
awarded August 1997
awarded October and November 1997
awarded December 1997
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