Bible Prophecy E-mail Lists Member WebPages

1 Corinthians 12:12 "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many;they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body..."

Bible Prophecy E-mail Lists Member WebPages

The Bible Prophecy E-mail List has been online for about 2 1/2 years now. In that time a lot of us have become good cyber-friends. We don't always agree in all of our discussions, but we do agree to disagree. Visiting fellow members Webpages is another way that we may get to know each other. Enjoy!

I want to thank you all for making our lists interesting.

The following sites belong to current and past members of both Bible Prophecy lists.

Dawn may not agree with everything stated in the following Sites.

               Miz's PreTrib Site

               Tricia's Home Page

                Joel's Prophecy News Page

               Todd's Home Page

               John Henry's Home Page

               Kim's Book Page

               Rick's Homepage

               Bobby Dill's Home Page

               Ray's Home Page

               Pete's Shepherd's Gate Site

               Ron Graff's Prophecy Central

               Lance's Come and See Min.

               Roy's Selah Page

               Gospel Outreach Ministries

               Pastor Dave's Calvary Chapel

               Calvary Chapel Jerusalem

Site Index

Home Page | Statement of Faith | How to Have Peace with God

Dawn's Journey To Truth | List Member's Web Sites

Beloved Unbeliever Email List | Examining The New Wine Movement

Toronto Blessing? | Premises of the New Age World View

The End & The Beginning | UFO's, the Antichrist & the New Order

Discernment Page | Bible Prophecy Web Ring | The Coming Holocaust

The Persecuted Church

Copyright ©1997 All rights belong to Jesus. If you experience problems with this site, contact Him first and then contact His webservant.

You are the visitor to our site since March 05/99.