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Matthew 24:9 "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death..."
![]() The Persecuted Church
Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 that one of the signs of the last days will be an increase in the persecution of believers. I believe that we are seeing this sign fulfilled before our very eyes. There have been more martyrs in the 20th century than in all previous centuries combined. This persecution is increasing. It may seem like there has been a great advancement in stopping the persecution with the fall of communism; and it is true that believers in many of these former Communist countries have much more freedom to practice their faith than they had ever had before. But we can see the storm clouds starting to form on the horizon. Russia is very unstable now and President Yeltsin will not be governing much longer. There are many hardliners who are waiting in the wings and just biding their time until they can take power. When they take over the leadership, I believe we will see a resurgence in the persecution of believers there and elsewhere in the former Soviet Union. What a blessing and window of opportunity God has given us in these past few years for us to provide our Eastern Block brethren with Bibles, evangelism tools, church planters and missionaries to help them reach the lost in their countries. But this opportunity may not last much longer before the Iron Curtain drops again. When we peek behind the Bamboo Curtain we see that communism is alive and well in these counties. China, Vietnam, Laos, Tibet, Indonesia, and North Korea are nations where Christians still suffer on a daily basis for their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Even in the Mexican state of Chiapas, Christians have been beaten, murdered and had their homes burned down. Believers in some parts of Columbia, Peru and other South American countries where there is Communist guerrilla activity are facing persecution. Islamic countries are a tough place for Christians these days. With the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the take over of governments by Islamic extremists, Christians are suffering greatly in these countries. Sudan is a place of horror where over a million Christians have been martyred. Will persecution, torture and martyrdom reach the shores of North America? Scripture seems to predict that happening: Matthew 24:9-11, 2 Timothy 3:12, Rev. 13:7-10. When? It may be sooner than many of us think. So what can we do today? First, we can educate ourselves. There are some great books that detail the persecution of believers. These books have strengthened my faith and resolve greatly. The classic 'Foxe's book of Martyrs' by John Foxe has been rewritten and updated in modern English and is a great read. 'By Their Blood: Christian Martyrs of the 20th Century' by James and Marti Hefley and 'Their Blood Cries Out' by Paul Marshall give a more updated description of the Persecuted Church. One book that I believe is a "must" read is 'Hitler's Cross' by Erwin Lutzer which describes how the Church in Hitler's Germany became a tool of the Nazi regime and shows us how a few Christians stood for the true faith under tremendous pressure. It gives us a glimpse of what we may face in the future in our countries. Also, visit the following links to ministry sites who are dedicated to helping the Persecuted Church. Second, we can support the ministries that work to help our suffering brethren. Please visit their websites to see what aid they need. You can help financially or you can join an organization and serve. If you are unable to help in these ways, you can be of great assistance by praying for them. Third, we can educate others. Talk to our friends and relatives. Ask our Pastors to bring in speakers to inform our congregations on the plight of these faithful believers. Write to our government officials to apply pressure on the offending countries. Fourth, we can PRAY. This is our most effective weapon. What we can not afford to do is ignore the situation. Read the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:31-46 and ask yourself what are the words you want to hear from our Lord. Hebrews 13:3 tells us "Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." I am reminded of the famous quote of Martin Niemoller "First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me." I pray that we in the West will not eventually say: "First they came for the Africans, but I was not African so I did nothing, then they came for the Asians, but I was not Asian so I did nothing. Then they came for the Europeans and I still did nothing. Then they came for me but there was no one left to help or pray for me."
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Thank you Danny for allowing me to use your beautiful painting in these graphics!
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