Linda's Garden:
Kids Projects Archive 1

Here are our earliest projects from the time we started the Kid's Monthly Garden Projects page (June 1997) through December 1997. Here are our past projects listed on an index

December - Growing Hair Santa

This month's project is a "Growing Hair Santa". It is a quck and easy project for indoor gardening. I hope you enjoy it.

You will need:

You are ready to begin. Parents, please supervise you child for this project.

1) Turn cup upside down and carefully punch two small holes into the bottom using a pencil or other pointed object.
2) Cut a strip of Red felt wide enough to cover the cup from middle of cup to bottom of cup. The strip should be long enough to wrap around the cup. Glue into place (This is Santa's suit). The place where the fabric meets will be the back of our Santa.
3) Draw a circle for Santa's head on the Beige felt. It should be approximately 2 1/2- 3 inches high--depending on the size of you cup. Draw a face on this circle with markers. Glue onto cup with top of circle at the brim of the cup and bottom of face touching the red felt already on cup.
4) Stretch out cotton balls until thin. These will be Santa's beard and hair. Glue these around the sides and bottom of face.
5) After glue is dry, carefully fill cup with potting soil. Lightly tamp down soil and moisten with water.
6) Sprinkle seed on top of soil and water in slightly. Soil should be moist, but not dripping wet. Place Santa cup in a window with good light. You may want to place a saucer or something under the cup to catch any excess water.
7) Water whenever soil begins to look dry. You may cover with plastic to help seeds start faster. Remove this plastic when the seeds start to sprout.
8) As grass grows, you can give Santa a hair cut with a scissors.
Santa's green hair is fun and kind of silly, but kids like it. After all green is a Christmas color. I hope you enjoy this project.

November - Forcing Bulbs

This month’s project is forcing bulbs for blooms in the winter months. There are two ways to do this. First is the easy way. Buy Paperwhite Narcissus bulbs or Amaryllis bulbs, plant them in small stones (like aquarium rock) or in potting soil, and water. Within a week or so you will see growth of leaves.

The second way takes longer, but also produces wonderful flowers. You will need: