Stagg High School Class of 1977

Lost List

Here is the list of names for the class members who are "lost" as of the 30 year reunion
(this is the list that will be included in the 30-yr invitation).

If you know where these people are, have them contact us at our e-mail or Martha Cashore Carey at and we will pass the information on to the committe.
Hopefully, we will be able to have everyone located in time for this next reunion.

Thank you.

Abramovitz, Michael

Acosta, Leonard

Aguilar, Toni

Aguirre, Dan

Alamillo, Anthony

Alamillo, Ruth

Alexander, Rene

Alfano, Estella

Allee, Steve

Allen, Nora

Arnold, James

Artesi, Tina

Banton, Mila

Barford, Donald

Barret, Joy

Baxter, Kevin

Beasengym, Melvin

Beebe, Brett

Belasco, Edward

Belinfante, Ron

Blair, Tim

Blundell, Diana

Boatner, Regie

Boggs, Gary

Boldenweck, Jeff

Boyd, Joseph

Brewer, Michael

Brice, Debra

Brice, Paula

Brown, Georgette

Brown, Kathy

Bryant, Frank

Butler, Beverly

Cabebe, Toni

Carr, Gary

Center, Russell

Chatman, Leon

Chavez, Anthony

Chen, Jimmy

Coito, Debbie

Constancio, Carlos

Copp, Zoeanne

Corbin, Michaela

Delgada, Rosemary

Delprete, Kirk

Delu, Vicki

Demattei, David

Denton, Sheila

Desmarais, Debbie

Dunham, Ken

Dunlap, Frances

Easley, Karen

Edmerson, Phillip


Emery, Renee

Escobar, Carol

Espinosa, Stanley

Eustis, Mike

Ewing, Nancy

Fagnant, William

Farris, Chris

Figueroa, Cecilia

Finch, Pat

Flowers, Pam

Frank, Robin

Fuji, Gary

Fuss, Allan

Gables. Siena

Gall, Karen

Gannon, Susan

Gardea, Patricia

Gaston, Cherri

Gee, Catherine

Geimer, Lynda

Gentile, Jon

Giahos, Greg

Gillespie, Jaylene

Gondry, Pete

Graves, Doug

Greiner, David

Hall, Curt

Hall, Regina

Hardin, Jack

Hernandez, Paul

Hill, Anita

Hooper, Monica

Huante, Cathy

Huey, Anna

Hull, Sherri

Hume, Charlene

Hunt, Rhonda

Huseman, Fred

Ingram, Nancy

Jimenez, Jim

Jimenez, Rosalia

Jimenez, Teresa

Johansen, Bryan

Johnson, Bob

Johnson, Cheryl (Orello)

Jones, Joyce (Lee)

Joven, Denise (Garcia)

Karabelnik, Vickie

Kaslin, Marguerte

Keil, Tim

Keller, Karl

Keller, Liz

Kelley, Sherrie

Kiehn, Christi

King, Pasty

Krause, Williarn

Kreiger, Brian

Kurland, Sheri

Labato, Geri

Lampman, Brian

Lane, Debbie

Lapeyri, Jilie

Lark, Ken

Lawson, Eric

Lee, Edmond

Lee, Richard

Lee, Tim

Leicht, Debbie

Lennon, Bryan

Lewis, Glorestin

Lewis, Sheila

Lim, Jennifer

Linda Hogue

Long, Clay

Lopez, Alex

Lopez, Monica

Louie, Brian

Low, Leonard

Lowen, Audrey

Mackey, Debbie

Maden, Mike

Maeder, Doreen

Mah, Stewart

Maier, Liz

Mallet, Lydia

Marquez, Patricia (Perez)

Martin, Dan

Martinez, Cathy

Martinez, Jeanne

Matelski, Michelle

McDaniel, Deanna

McPherson, Margaret

Melinger, Teresa

Meyer, Ruthe

Miramontes, Cecilia

Mohrman, Mike

Molina, Javier

Moore, Annette

Moore, Michael

Morrow, Jamie

Mowry, Mark

Munoz, Mary

Murray, Janniece

Murray, Larry

Nathe, Mike

Navarro, Mercedes

Nguyen, Ann


O’Bryan, Nora

O’Kelley, Pat

Onizake, Kent

Otten, Wayne

Owens, Doris

Padilla, Mieling

Parker, Tim

Pearrow, Cindy (Lobosco)

Perry, Dorothy (Greene)

Perryman, Irene

Pizo, Lisa

Pohlman, Doug

Price, Henry

Prima, Chris

Ragsdale, David

Raimer, Brenda

Randall, Thomas

Ranson, Renee

Rash, Rick

Reed, Randall

Reed, Robin

Roberts, Lisa

Robertson, Denric

Robertson, Katrina

Robinson, Yolanda

Rodgers, Patti

Rodriguez, Debra

Rogers, Audrey

Rogers, Glen

Rosales, Rebecca

Saffold, Karen

Sanchez, Janis

Schleder, Kyle

Schmalz, Cynthia

Shoffner, Dottie

Shoopman, Sonia

Silva, Nancy

Sinnok, Kathy

Sisneroz, Cynthia

Smith, David

Smothers, Ruth

Souva, Fred

Symons, Tonya

Tankersley, Donna

Thomas, Gerry

Thompson, Gwen

Thompson, Jeff

Thompson, Windell

Torres, Albina

Trow, Ray

Turner, James

Turner, Richard

Victor, Alexander

Victor, Lucy

Wall, Wendy (Mitchell)

Walters, Cindy

Walters, Tammy

Ward, Denise

Watts, Terri

Wells, Hilary

Wengert, Eilleen

Westwood, Lyle

Wetherelt, Jerry

Wilbon, Lillie

Wong, Edward


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