Story Copyright
A. DAVID DANIEL - 11/08/98
All Rights Reserved
The Bluebirds
My Brother-in-Law, Loren was
taken very seriously ill with cancer. He fought a
valiant fight and for a while it looked like he
might win the battle. But as time went on it became
more and more obvious that he was losing
the fight. I left Minnesota and relocated to CA
so I could be near Loren and my sister
Patricia and perhaps be of some support during
this time. It was during the desperate months
that followed when Patricia noticed the Bluebirds.
Whenever she or Loren would venture
out into he backyard several bluebirds would
arrive and follow them around and then
perch in a nearby bush or tree. Also during this time
we could look out the window onto the back porch
and there was always one or two bluebirds
there. Pat and Loren left their home here
in California and returned to Lorens birthplace
in Iowa so they could be near their
children as the end neared. Loren and Patricia
were terribly brave throughout this ordeal.
I remained in California to take are of things from
out here. I received the phone call that I knew
must come on September 13, 1998. I then left
California and attended the funeral. I returned a
couple of days later and Patricia a few days after
my return. It was she who first noticed the bluebirds
were gone. There are bluebirds still around but not as
many and they no longer follow anyone around when
we are outside. We still see them occasionally but
they do not behave as they did before.
I believe what my sister Patricia says, in that she
believes the "Bluebirds of Happiness" were a gift
from God and were sent here to comfort us
during our time of need.
David Daniel
Rose C. Webb
All Rights Reserved
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