Open Message From Acadian Rose
I want you all to know that when I started this page, I had
no idea how far it would go. I believed that God was speaking
through me and my faith took it from there.
YOU all have made a difference in my life.
Your comments in the
guestbook and letters you have taken time to send me
have left me in tears. Tears of joy that you have been
touched by this story as I was when I read it.
You have spoken openly of your pain, your hopes and troubles, but
all of you have spoken from your heart that you are
glad to know that you are special to someone and
you do make a difference in their life.
The ribbons have gone around the world and
soon this page will be up in Brazil in the
native laguange so that all who read it
will know they too make a difference in someone's life.
I am honored that it meant that much to the person
who read it and wanted his countrymen to know of this
message. By doing his part, he too is passing the
blue ribbons on and uniting friends and family once more.
Do not let this message die. Please continue to give
this ribbon to those you care about or think could
benefit from the message. Touching one life may mean
the difference in how they face the problems in their life.
Many have written of suicides and wishing that this
had been there then to give to the person who is
no longer with them. Some have written that they had tried
to commit suicide and have now realized that they are
special and needed because someone cared enough
to send them the location of the page.
When we give of ourselves to those we care about, we
are given in return countless blessings. You have
touched me at a time when I am in the depths of despair
and have made me remember that there is a reason
behind even the smallest things that occur in our lives.
To all of you I thank you.
And to the special friends
that I am parted from now,
I want them to know that in
the time we have had together they have made a
difference in my life and have given me love beyond
anything I would have ever known if they had not
passed through my life. I will treasure the memories
and know that they were special and their
love will stay with me forever.
Aye, Ye Are Loved Always.
God bless you all and may you walk in Peace and in Sunshine.
Remember that when you see with your heart,
you don't miss a thing.
You are special and do make a difference.
those who wish to learn how
make the water applets please click on
the butterfly and go
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Rose C. Webb
All Rights Reserved
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