I am thankful :

to God for whatever talent and
inspiration I have to design web pages
that speak to so many and help them
in ways I know not.

for God who has led me this far and
whom I trust will allow me time
to finish the tasks He has set forth
for me to accomplish.

for being able to listen to the Voices
that direct me in all that I do.

 that hurricane Georges
didn't do more damage than he did,
and for the friend who told
me about her cousin who
has helped put my house back
together again.

for my Internet family on AOL
who listen to my troubles,
my joys and my fears.

for the Prayer Angels of AOL
who are a Circle of Friends
joining hands and praying for
those who are in need.

for my family who loves me and stands
by me in spite of my ornery attitude
during these times of stress.

for my daughter, my Angel who takes
care of me and has sacrificed so
much to do the physical things
that I can no longer do.

for my husband of 38  years, who
has been patient during my
recent illness even when he
himself is unable to accomplish
all that he wishes he could do.

for my Doctors who have tried
to treat me even when my body
has a will of it's own.
The Cajun is Ornery.

for my friend and soulmate who
is no longer here, but remains
in my heart forever.

for my Mates on AOL that I host
with in the Genealogy Forum
of Golden Gates. We do have
a good group of dedicated
men and women who believe in
the Genealogist Creed......
If someone helps you....Pass it on!

for my Acadian cousins who come
to chat each week and help me learn
of my Acadian Heritage. We pass a good
time, no?  Cajun PaPa, our mascot
who is a toothless gator, and
surfs the 'Net for Acadian sites
and eats spam mail  is one
fine fella!

for America, the land of the free.
I am proud to be an American.

for the miltary men and women who
stand on the front line every day so
that I can be free.

for the policeman on patrol; for the
fireman on duty; for the nurses in
the Emergency rooms  at
the hospitals. For the paramedics; for
the workers that pass it on down the
line from the planting of the seed, to the
harvest, to the cashiers on the
registers at the check out line.

for the crisis workers who every day
reach out and hold the broken and
battered women and children who are
victims of rape and domestic violence.

to the dedicated care givers whether they
be family, friend, or Hospice worker.  Your
helping hands are blessings to those
that are ill and suffering.

I have many things of which I am thankful for.
I could continue naming them one by one
and still not have a complete listing.
God has blessed me in so many ways
and I can only try to give some of His
love back to my family, friends and
those people who cross my path.

Walk in Peace and in Sunshine.
You make a difference in someone's
life and are special.
When you see with your heart,
you don't miss a thing.

Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless.
May your time with family and friends
be one of joyful fun and fellowship.

Acadian Rose

Page Copyright
Rose C.  Webb
All Rights Reserved


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