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Ladyhawke's Other Relatives

Now you can meet the rest of Ladyhawke's family. This includes my dad, my mom, my sister and brother-in-law, and their kids. After reviewing the previous pages, some of my family members felt a little left out, so I decided to include them in this site.

First, of course, are Mom and Dad. I've known them all my life, and think very highly of them. My dad, Ross, has spent many years in the education profession, as a teacher and then a principal. Now after thirty-five years, he is a man of leisure. He has been a very active volunteer for various comittees and organizations, and enjoys l variety of hobbies. One of his favourite pastimes at the moment, is gardening. Over the last few years, he and my mother have created beautiful back and front yards and gardens at their home. It is something that gives them a lot of pleasure. Dad is also a sports fan, who enjoys attending both hockey games and baseball games in our hometown. He is an Ottawa Senators fan, and a longtime Toronto Blue Jays, and an Ottawa Lynx (AAA Baseball) fan.

He likes to listen to music, and he lists Tina Turner as one of his favourites. He has been a fan of hers since her early days (with Ike) and is so devoted that he attended a concert, the day after he was injured in an accident. (That's a fan!!). Lastly, for now, he also likes to watch television dramas. For him, the best are "Law & Order" and "ER".

My mom, Nancy, is a very creative woman. Many years ago she discovered a love for art, and has turned that into a highly successful career as a watercolour artist. She has won many awards for her work, and her paintings have hung in local galleries, and even in a foreign museum. To me that is quite an accomplishment.

As I said before, she also enjoys gardening, and even attends some of the sporting events with Dad. Mom's musical tastes tend to be a bit softer than Dad's. She enjoys listening to Chris de Burgh (altough Dad is a big fan, too), she also likes show tunes from Broadway. Example of these are most Andrew Lloyd Webber, and "Les Miserables". She also has a slightly darker side.........her favourite television show is "The X-Files".

Now it's time to meet my sister, Kathy, her husband, Dave, and their two children, Victoria and Thomas.

Kathy is my "OLDer" sister. O.k. she's only two years older, so I guess I shouldn't tease her. Kathy is (in my opinion)one of the most imprtant types of nurses around. She is a neo-natal nurse. This means that she looks after premature and/or critically ill newborn babies. She is excellent at what she does.

Dave is Kathy's husband. He is a computer enthusiast, and works in a field that relates to computers. (Wow, he's got it made!) Dave is also a big sports fan, which seems to be a requirement of the men in this family. He, like my husband and my dad, is an Ottawa Senators supporter. He also likes baseball, Toronto Blue Jays, and has an impressive sports card collection. Dave also has an interest in Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and the Kennedy family. In our family, he is famous for his interest in Jim Morrison and The Doors. He gave me the URLs for two Doors pages, and you can visit them if you like. The first (click here) contains a FAQ page that was co-written by Dave himself!! The second (click here instead) is a Doors page that is one of his favourites.

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