First of all, I've taken a big step, in the last few months. I have become, what is commonly known a "mature" student. I know, I know, for any of you who know me, I'm not usually known as "mature", but this is a technical term referring to age! *grin* Actually, what it means is, I'm going to college. I am just finishing my second term taking courses to get my certificate in Information Technology Fundamentals. So far it's going really well, and because of that, I'm determined to keep going! :)
As you learned on the previous page, I am a married mom, but what you didn't know is that I am an (undiagnosed) woman with ADD. *If she is undiagnosed, than how does she know...... you may ask?* Well, after having a child diagnosed with this disorder, and having learned and read about it for many years now, there is little doubt in my mind. ;)
Coming to this realization has made me understand a lot about other words, it explains so much about my childhood *laugh*! Since I have begun looking into it, I now know that my mood swings, disorganization, peer relation difficulties etc. were quite normal for someone with this condition, and I wasn't quite the abnormal person that I once believed I was. (Whew.....what a relief! *grin) Of course my mother will be the first to agree with the idea that I am ADD, and she now understands the reasons why I was not a calm, quiet child. She loves to tell people that I (at age 2) was the reason that she began painting.....she needed an outlet to save her own sanity! :)
I have just ordered a book, called "Women with Attention Deficit Disorder" by Sari Solden, and I'm hoping that this will shed more light on my situation.
I have met a number of people (women and men) with ADD on the internet, through parent support lists, and I know that it is quite normal for me to start 10 craft projects and not finish them, to be addicted to caffine (tea is my drink of choice *smile*), to organize my mail, books, papers etc..into piles (glad I'm not alone on that one *g*) and to constantly run around like a chicken with it's head cut off! Oh, I can also hyperfocus at a computer with the best of them! As I mentioned before, I experience severe mood swings, at times, so when PMS time rolls around........WATCH OUT!!! *hehehehe*
For anyone, who suspects (or has been diagnosed) that they have ADD/ADHD, as an adult, there is a great mailing list called "ADDult". You can subscribe to the list by emailing LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU and writing SUBSCRIBE ADDULT in the body of the message. The list is a wonderful place to meet other adults with ADD/ADHD, and discuss what life is like as an ADDULT!
As you can see (I hope) I've decided to take a lighthearted view of my own situation as an adult with ADD. I've always used humour as a way of dealing with life, and I figure, that I have enough seriousness in dealing with my son and his ADHD.....I may as well lighten things up when I can......and besides, I've lived with it this many years (unknowingly) it's too late to change me now! :)