Some Of Our Favourite People and Places!!

On this page, you will find links to some of our favourite places on the Web. There are links to friends' pages, graphics sites and we will keep to add to this page as we continue our journey through "Cyberspace". All you have to do is "click" on the title and you will be taken to that page!

The sites in this section were all created by our dear friends in England. Interesting pages and fun places to visit with the children.

The Bocking Page

Discover the history of the "Bocking" family. This page has been created by a friend, David Bocking, of England. This is an interesting page that traces the roots of David's family name. There are historical facts, famous Bockings, and you can help add to the site if you know of anyone with this family name. Very interesting place.

Photographs from the North of England by David Bocking

As you can see, David is a very busy man! This site contains some photographs that David has taken in and around his hometown. Beautiful photos!

Tess and Emily's Picture Page

This site was set up by the email pals of my two daughters. There are lots of pictures.....some original art and some photos, and some pictures take you to a different site to visit. This is a great page for the kids.

Tess and Emily's Everchanging Story Page

Here is one of our family's favourite places! This wonderful site was also set up by sisters, Tess and Emily. A very creative can read the story and even make your own additions. There are fun characters, illustrations and as the title says, this site and story are "everchanging". Definitely worth a visit!!!!

The sites in this section were created by some wonderful friends that we have met online. There are some very talented people here and we're proud to know them!

Lourdes' Homepage!

I'd have to describe Lourdes as my best friend online........and in R/L, even though we've never met face to face, YET! Lourdes lives in Mexico and is one of the sweetest people around. She's a devoted mom of 2 dear boys....working hard to support them! I've seen her in pictures, and (thanks to the best Christmas gift I received this year *wink*) I've heard her beautiful voice, and I can hope for the day that I finally get to meet her in person! Lourdes page is written in Spanish/English and is full of Carl Sagan, U2, Chris de Burgh and much more! I highly recommend this site, but then again, I'm a little biased! *grin*

Tbear's Hideaway

Tbear is a wonderful person that I (Ladyhawke), met on the Chris de Burgh IRC channel. Tbear is always smiling :), caring and a lot of fun to talk to. As a lover of teddybears, this well-themed page tells you a little about tbear, her favourite things, and it is covered from top to bottom with teddy's of all shapes and sizes. Lots of fun to visit!!!!


LadyBurg is another friend that I met on the Chris de Burgh IRC channel. She is known for her great sense of humour and keeps us rolling with laughter (isn't that the the best medicine???). Proudly listed among her many talents, is webmistress extrordinaire!! Her site, recently revamped, is filled with beautiful graphics, lots of information about her life and interests, and she has some great links. A very appealing site and worth a look!

The Tiddle Adoption Centre is an adorable place where visitors can adopt a "Tiddle" of thier own. This site is run by LadyBurg and the Tiddles were created with the help of her friend, a talented artist whose own site is The Image Factory Home Page.

Welcome to BJ's World

Well, what can I say about BJ?? First of all, she is the proud winner of the Site Fight Tournament of the Year!! She has one of the greatest sites around! This is definitely a must-see!!! BJ is also a very kind person who is willing to lend a hand to the "graphically-challenged", and I have to thank her for the help that she has given me in setting up these pages....they would have been terribly boring without her! Thanks BJ!! :)

Here are just a few of the incredible graphics sites that I have found while searching the web. I have to give all of them credit for helping me set up these pages. There are many talented people around, but in my humble opinion, these are some of the best!!!

Here is another site that belongs to the multi-talented BJ! You can find graphics of all kinds, backgrounds, borders etc... This is a great place for aspiring web page designers (and I should know..*grin*_.

Meet Vikimouse!! This site has some of the most wonderful original graphics on the web. Here you can find everything you need to set up a personal page, and the whole site gives you a warm, cosy feeling. Definitely worth a visit, for graphics or just for fun!

For anyone who appreciates Fantasy art, this site is the place to see. Full of everything magical, you will be transported to a world of unciorns, faeries, angels etc.....Here you can find everything you need to add a touch of magic to your own personal site, from backgrounds to buttons to bars and so much more. Worth a good long look!!!!

This section of links is dedicated to some of the fun sites the we have found. There are links to music pages, sports pages and the rest are just entertaining. Enjoy! :)

If you've visited the other pages in this site.....then you've probably seen this link before, but, to me, it's worth another plug!! *Laugh* This banner will take you to my FAVOURITE site on the net: The Official Chris de Burgh Home Page created and maintained by a wonderful, talented man, Mr Joe DeRouen (and of course, Mr. Doohan! ;). Information, pics, music, tour dates, send a CdeB postcard, and much more. Simple words can't describe it, so go see if for youself!

Jeannie's Beatles Page

I found Jeannie's site after I joined her Beatle's mailing list. Wow, it's FAB! *grin* For anyone who loves the Beatles, this page is great.....filled with information, pictures, music, stories and you can even meet other fans in her FAB4CHAT! Definitely the place to be for a trip back down "The Long and Winding Road......"!!

Since all the members of our family like country music, we've decided to put up this link. This is one of the most informative country music sites around. Info, music and video clips, TNN, an online store,and all things Nashville!

The Official Ottawa Senators Home Page

This is the site of our family's favourite sports team! Player stats, updated scores, fan fun and even downloadable graphics. WOOOO HOOOOO!!!

Virtual Drawing

This is a wonderful way to send personal messages to friends and family. Draw your own pictures and include a message at this unique site! Thanks to Niek van Suchtelen for suggesting his page! :)

Bluemountain Cards

This is, IMO, one of the most popular greeting card sites on the net. A great place to go when you want to send that special someone, a "happy birthday", an "I miss you", or just a "Hello!"

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