Peom's That Touch The Heart
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Hello! And welcome
I want to dedicate this page to all of my friends I have met on the net. And to all of my friends at home... This page has a lot of sad peom's and stories' they really touched my heart I hope you en-joy them as I did It makes me realize how short life can be before you read these sad peom's and stories' I sugguest you get a kleenex because they will make you cry...Thanks for stopping by and please come back to see me and my family anytime...








Peom's And Stories That Touch The Heart...

Peom's And Stories' That touch the Heart
These Peom's And Stories' Really Will Touch Your Heart In A Special Way
Hi,I hope you en-joy these pages that I made and please tag me before you leave Thanks *S*.
Alway's Say I love You Death of An Innocent Moon Light Ride The most Beautiful Flower
My heart Will Go On I'm Only 17 The Lil'Girl In The park Father's Son
Whom Do you Love The Treasure Bless My Computer Friend's without faces'





This site started being created on Oct 10,1998
Copyright©1998,1999,2004 ~Judy Kay Palmer~ All Rights Reserved

All graphic's on this page by:
StarWeaver Graphics and Country Manor Graphics

*Note ~ If I have used any material without giving proper credit and recognition,
Please E-Mail and let me know...Thank you!

Tag Me Please





I want to thankyou again for stopping bye and please come back anytime :)