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Hi, I'm Willowbee. This is a picture of me,

And this is a picture of my hive.

There are many rooms in my hive. I share them with my human. Her name is Shirley. We are sorta like partners. I call her the "bee keeper", because she finds a place for all the bees her friends send her. So while you're looking through my hive, you just might find bees popping up all over the place. (She's working on making us our own page. Cool, huh?)

My human has nearly filled up all my rooms. There's her

homepage where you can get acquainted, read some inspirational poetry, and much more. She's always adding something. (Please give it some time to load.)

This site is always under construction, but you can still wander around. I promise my relatives won't sting you. And don't forget to sign the guest book before you buzz off. Have a nice visit.

In Remembrance

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Look, I found a magic bottle! And what's that in it? Looks like one of my cousins. Gee, I didn't know I had a geni-bee in the family. I think I'll just keep him in there until I really need to make a wish....

This bottle came from my friend, Shell. If you would like your own magic bottle, go to Design Delights. I'm sure you'll find a magic bottle to take home.

This is my mandella. Isn't it cool?

Would you like to know the difference between Dream Catchers and Mandellas? Just click on the card below. NOTE: I'm sorry but this site is no longer available.

Wanna meet some new friends?

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