"Dance like no one is watching; Love like you'll never be hurt. Sing like no one is listening & live like Heaven on Earth."

Indigo's Element is my way of sharing the many wonderful things that I have learned and come across on the web and in life. The quotes that you find throughout my pages are a collection taken from books, the internet, songs, and some I have written myself. I found it very hard to find the authors of most of them so I apologize for credit not being there. The graphics throughout my pages are free. All I ask is that you do not use the graphics that I have created for my own pages. They will be made available at a later date.

My accomplishment for 2000? I got published! You can check out my article by visiting InnerSelf Magazine.

****New Jessica Galbreth Sets!**** Visit the sets created with express permission of course, of the wonderful artwork of Jessica Galbreth.

Most of the graphics are best viewed on a resolution of 800x600. However, due to an extremely high server charge for the graphics site Indigo's Illusions, I have had to temporarily dump that site. I am in the process now of getting it up and running again, please be patient. That is the page that holds the graphics sets. Updated, June 13/01.

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