~My Healing~

My healing is something that
I would like to share
with the world,
Of how Much Love and compassion
and the healing powers
that my Lord Jesus Christ does have
I was a new born christian
of only 2yrs old *spiritually*
I was at work one night ,
and all of a sudden i started
hurting very, very bad .
I didnt know at first what was
happning so I called home
for them to come and get me
I thought eddie was gonna
have to carry me to the car
the pain was so unbearable .
The next day i went to
the Dr he ran some test .
and done a Byopisy .The Dr then
called me at work and told me
that it was the 4th stage of cancer
a seven stage process .
Stuned from the shock
I felt as if I was in a daze .
I walked out side of the
that i worked and looked up at the heavens
and the only words that i remember was
* Lord your gonna
try my Faith .
From that day forward
every time that i was in church
I would have the elders
to anoint me with oil and pray for my
healing .
*s* No matter if the Pastor was preaching
his sermon
No matter if i was teaching
my sunday school class
no matter what was going on
when I felt the spirit of the
lord move
on me i would ask for Prayer *s*
I obeyed God
when he said move I moved *s* .
This went on for 1 yr. No Treatments
No med's Just Faith in God
and obedience to do it with *s*
The Dr ran 4 more bysopy's each one
still coming back as postive you know
durning this time i never *worried*
For I knew that I had to be
to the Lord it wasnt
that I didnt believe in med's
Just that I had to have
the Faith and obedeince
to touch the Lord
and I had the attitude
that If my healing didnt come oh well !!
I was going home to Meet Jesus
*S* Praise the Lord *S*
After the many 'visit's to the Dr .
He had told me
this was nothing to mess around
with that if the cancer cells
went to my lymph notes
there was no hope for me
Little did he know
I knew a prayer answering God *Smiling*
God is so Great
and worthy to be praised .*s*
After this went on for a year
the Dr once again called me
and these was his words
*Sharon I dont know how
to tell this but i cant do the surgery
By Law it is gone I am not allowed
to touch you
it had to be from a higher power
that you was healed
I then cryed and told him
"Praise the Lord* for he is my healer
God is
the one that say's you can't do the surgery
*s* The Dr wished me good
in all and said "Yes I know "
this is my Testimomy of my healing
of cancer my Testimomy of how i had
to be strong and
have the Faith to Trust in him.
We are made overcomers
in our trials *S*
This one brought me Great Faith
in the lord *S*
He is able to do all things*S*
Praise his Mighty Name *S*
Nothing is impossable with him *s*
Thank you for your time in letting me share
this *one* healing
he has done many other's *s*
It has now been 14 yrs and no sign's of any thing being there
you see I have Faith that God
don't do a half way job
When God say's your healed
then your healed *s*
Before all else fails try the lord
for he is True to his word
I stand on it *s*
God Bless you all
and may God work mircles
in your lives also *s*

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Isaiah 53:5
But he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was bruised for our iniquities:
the chastisement of our peace was upon him:
and with his stripes we are healed.

James 5:14
Is any sick among you?
let him call for the elders of the church;
and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil
in the name of the Lord

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