~My Testimony~
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This is my testimony as to
what brought me to the decision to live for the Lord.
In 1976 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
So precious in mine and Gods eyes.
At 10 mths old I started noticing she wasnt
doing normal things such as rolling
over or sitting up completely by herself.
We always thought the reason
was for her being so *chubby* *lol*
So with my instinct of being a mother
I took her to the doctor
and had him to run test.
Come to find out she (my first born)
whom I thought it would never
happen to me was diagnosed with Werdnig Hoffman's
disease. A form of Muscular Dystrophy.
We struggled thru the years of hardship
and watching our only child go thru
so much sickness so much pain.
She was never able to walk
and thus confined to a wheelchair
all of her day's .She had an IQ level of 126
at the age of 7 yrs old so God did bless us
in leting us have a *special child*
with such a brilliant mind.*s* In 1982 My son was born
A Very healthy 9 lb boy *s* My kids are
the center of my life.
Then Holly got pneumoina for the uptenth time
and was hopsitalized. Her death was very painfull
to her and for us to have to watch.
After God took my Baby to be with him I had so
many different emotions flowing, my whole world
was turned upside down .Yes! I did blame God at first,
Yes! There was anger and pain that was unbearable.
If you've never lost a child
you would never be able to say I know how you feel.
For it is impossiable.
At night I would take Chevy
and we would go somewhere just for me trying
to cope not going home
untill bedtime for her not being there.
As me and Chevy were riding down our road one
evening God !! Spoke to me (this was 6mths)
after Holly's death.
He reminded me that the little pentacostal church
down the road was in revival *s* I looked
at my 3 yr.old son as right out
of the heaven's said "Lets hurry!
Let's go to church tonight"
As I entered that little holiness church
the convection power of God fell upon me
for you see I had carried my load
by my self long enough
God said Sharon It's time for me to carry your load now.
I gave my life to the Lord that night.
And was filled with his Holy Spirit *s*
Oh what Joy I felt. Oh what relief and peace
that was given to me.*s*
I look back now and think of how
carnal minded I was*s*
If only I would have turned to God
and let him help me carry the load
it may not have been so hard.
Yes!! I love my Child*s* But now I do know
she is singing praises with the Almighty Lord *s*
And wouldn't wont to come back to this world,
even if she could. *s* I Can't say
that I blame her one bit.
I love God with all
my heart.*s*
I praise his name today for giving me someone
that I loved and that loved me
just as much and I do look forward to praising God
with her one sweet day.
My final words would be..... Give your heart to jesus
let him carry your load for you.
You may not have to go thru such
a traumatic experience such as I.
God gives you a choice:
Choose you this day whom ye will serve
Josh 24:15

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