I am a newcomer to the web which I fondly refer to the web as
"Web Mania"!
The Web has been my friend since the middle of September 1998.
Before then all I ever did with a computer was make
all occassion cards, keep up with our bank account
and of course play games.
Is that the way "YOU" started out?
Well, as they say the rest is history.
I have been made aware by "SURFFING the "NET" that
you can find friends galore! Out there in CYBER-SPACE!
Imagine my surprise when I found out
what I had been missing!
A whole new world,
just waiting for me to explore,
and explore I have and am contining to do!
My family has encougaged me along the pursuit.
Now I am proud to say that I earned my self appointed title of
"WEB MANIA" has me by the collar.
I decided that for my first time as my official title of "WEB INDUCTEE" that I would share with all of my friends in CYBER-SPACE a "tad bit" of information about my hometown Dublin, GA. Information about how the "folks" in Dublin celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Soooo, on with the show! Let's go for a friendly stroll down the streets of