Your listening to ~Knocking on Heaven's Door~ by Guns~N~Roses

<BGSOUND SRC="gunsnrosesknocking.mid ">


Revised on: March 31, 2000

Justin's wheeler Scott madeJustin Lane VanBuskirk

THANKS a million for the 3-wheeler up above Scott!

Justin's last picture taken October 98 Hey,glad you stopped by.Thats me on the left.It's my LAST picture ever taken.Ya see my life was tragically taken in a automobile accident.I was riding home from school with a friend on October 14,1998.We decided to take the long way home,I guess you'd say.Going just a little bit to fast.The truck went out of control,and we hit a utility pole,on my side.I guess my words that I said to him,like "SLOW DOWN" didn't much matter,because it was to late.It matters to my Mom though,cause those were the last words she heard me say.I fought real hard to live,but with my injuries I had,I just couldn't.I died the next morning,October 15,1998 at 8:00 am.I suppose you think it's kinda weird,how my Mom is actually writing this,as if I'm talking.And you can think it is weird.I guess it's just that my family has so many unanswered questions,and only 3 people with all the answers.Of course,I am one of them.I should say though,I wasn't an innocent kid either.I loved to have my fun,ride the roads with my wheeler,got yelled at by the State Troopers for being on the roads.And geez,one State Trooper even told my mom they had places for boys like me.Imagine that.It wasn't like I was out trying to kill someone or something.I was just being a kid.Now you can sit back and say HEY,well that was what the driver was being,JUST A KID..Well your WRONG!Yes,he was just a kid, BUT he was suppose to be taught that a vehicle is far different than a 3-wheeler,or 4-wheeler,and he should of been told that you value your life,so PLEASE value the lives you have with you! There is a big responsibility that comes along with that piece of paper that states you can legally drive now.He still legally drives now,and as reckless as he did before(My Mom told me).She can't do anything about that,but she can try to get the word out for the parents to TALK to their kids,tell them to value that license,and the people they have with them,cause thanks to someone else,my chance has been taken away from ME!Don't let what happened to me,happen to them!

I gotta say,the most fun I always had was when I was riding my wheeler,along with staying at camp with my friends.The spinning cube you see has pictures of me on my wheeler.To stop it just click once on the picture you would like to see,and to start it again,well,just click all there is to it.

Guns n Roses pic

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Aunt Kelly



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