Texas Blue Roses


              Little Sayings

          This is my collection of over 4700 sayings,

         aphorisms & quotations.

           Enjoy looking for your favorite saying.




          Just some of my favorites....


                       Special Days Calendar      

                    This is a yearly calendar of special dates.

            Great resource for classroom teachers.


                   Jelly Beans

         Just a little bit of this & that...

                  "A Gardening We Grow"     

"A Soldier "


       "Church Marquees"

             "Playground Angels"

                  "You Might be a Teacher..."

              "Nice Expressions for Dumb People" 

              "Great Truths That Little Children Have Learned About Life" 

                  "Politically Correct Terms When Talking About Women"  




                             Graphics by: Cottage Graphics

       Updated 4/18//09