~Little Sayings~
There are over 4700 + sayings
with over 200 categories to browse through.
Happy searching !!
Note: The creation of this website was due to my need to find a "cute" saying
for a garden sign. My mom is an avid gardener and I wanted
to paint a sign for her that she could put in her garden.
I wanted to find that "perfect little saying"....and
I couldn't find what I was looking for.....SO...I created this website...
to help others find sayings easily.
"This is unique saying I found recently....hits home for me!"....~Deanie~
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal.
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
AA accountants advice angels antiques apples architects artists aunt
babies backdoor bald band bankers baseball basketball
bath beanie bears beauticians bible bingo birds boats books
bookkeepers boss bowling boys brother busdrivers butterflies
card players carpenters cats celestial chauffeurs chemists chickens children chocolate
cleaning people Christmas church coffee computer cooking country courage
cousin cowboys crafters criticism cross-stitch crows
dad dance daughter deans death dentists diary diets
divers divorce doctors dogs dolls dorm dreams driving
Easter electricians emotions EMT excuses exercise experience
fairies faith Fall families farm firefighters
fishing flag football freckles friends frogs funnies
garden garage sales gingerbread girls giving goals
grandchildren grandfather grandmother
Halloween happiness hardware engineers Harley Davidson heart
heartaches heaven hockey holidays home hope horses
horticulturists housework hugs hunting husband
ladybugs laughter laundry lawyers left-handed life lighthouses love
marriage mathematicians memories men ministers miscellaneous
money moon mother mother-to-be music musicians
nature neighbors Noah's Ark No Smoking nurses
O - P
painters parents patience patriotic photographers pilots PMS
Police politicians postmen prayers princess printers
problems programmers promise psychiatrists
rabbits rain rainbows reading rednecks reindeer remembrance
Santa school bus drivers seasons secretaries seniors sewage workers
sewing shops silence sister skiers smiles snowmen son sports
Spring stars steelmakers success Summer sun
taxi drivers teachers tears technology teenagers
U - V
wallpaperhangers weathermen weaving wife winners Winter
X - Y - Z
If you have any sayings you would like to
contribute to my website....please e-mail me.
Take a look at some of my other sites...!!
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updated 4-16-09
Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material
used on this site. Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly
make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~